The following is a list of published papers, please see
for those published OR recently submitted for publication.
- (with T. Costello) Quantifiers over Modalities, Sixth
International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Trento Italy, 1998. (to appear)
- Implicit Programming and the Logic of Constructible
Duality, PhD. Thesis, UIUC.
- (with T. Costello) Quantifiers and Operations on
Modalities and Contexts, Fourth
International Symposium on Commonsense Reasoning, 1998.
- Bisimulation and Propositional Intuitionistic Logic, Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Warsaw
Poland, 1997
- (with T. Costello) Exponentials as Projections from
Paraconsistent Logics, First World Congress on Paraconsitency, Gent
Belgium, 1997
- (with T. Costello) Guilt-Free Exponentials, ASL
Winter Meeting 1997, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Vol 3 No 3, 1997
Bisimulation and Propositional Intuitionistic Logic, Observational and
Logical Equivalence at ESSLLI '96
- A new semantics for
constructible falsity, Logic Colloquium '96, ASL Summer Meeting,
Bulletin of the Association of Symbolic Logic, Vol 3 No 2, 1997
- (with G. Agha and S. Fr\olund and W. Kim and R. Panwar and
D. Sturman)
Abstraction and Modularity Mechanisms for Concurrent Computing,
Chapter In: Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming, Eds. G. Agha and P. Wegner and A. Yonezawa, MIT Press, 1993
- (with R.K.Shyamasundar and G. Agha)
An ACTORS Formalism for Open Concurrent Systems,
Proceedings of the Chalmers Workshop on Concurrency, Baastad, Sweden, 1991
The following is a list of edited volumes.
- (with Mike Genesereth)
The Proceedings of the Sixth International World Wide Web Conference
Special Issue of Computer Networks by Elsevier, December 1997