This package contains the following files: 1. README instructions on how to run the examples 2. plan-syntax.m: specification of the programming language syntax 3. plan-sorts.m: various sorts (values, nonvalues, etc.) used in the specification 4. plan-network.m: network related sorts/operations 5. plan-semantics.m: operational semantics of the language 6. p.m: loads the entire specification, i.e. all the files above 7. topologies.m: definitions of two different network topologies 8. semantics-runs.m: execution of examples not requiring a network 9. find-examples.m: definitions of two active network programs 10. find-runs.m: execution of these programs on the above topologies We assume that Maude 2.0 has been installed. Instructions to execute the examples: 1. start the Maude system 2. type "in p.m" to load the formal specification 3. type "semantics-runs.m" to execute the simple examples (topologies.m is loaded automatically for some examples) 4. type "in find-examples.m" to load the two active network programs 5. type "in find-runs.m" to execute both programs in each of the two networks