Call for Papers


IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Fourth International Conference on

Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems

Stanford University , Stanford, California, USA
September 6-8, 2000

Electronic Information

Important Dates

15st March 2000 Submission deadline
30th April 2000 Notification of acceptance
23rd May 2000 Camera ready copy for participants proceedings due

Co-located with SPIN'2000, 7th International SPIN Workshop on
Model Checking of Software, to be held at Stanford the previous week
August 30-31, September 1. See:


Object-based Distributed Computing is being established as the most pertinent basis for the support of large, heterogeneous computing and telecommunications systems. Indeed, several important international organisations, such as ITU, ISO, OMG, TINA-C, etc. are defining similar distributed object-based frameworks as a foundation for open distributed computing.

The advent of Open Object-based Distributed Systems - OODS - brings new challenges and opportunities for the use and development of formal methods. New architectures and system models are emerging (e.g., the enterprise, information, computational and engineering viewpoints of the ITU-T/ISO/IEC ODP Reference Model) which require formal notational support. Usual design issues such as specification, verification, refinement, and testing need to take into account new dimensions introduced by distribution and openness, such as quality of service and dependability constraints, dynamic binding and reconfiguration, consistency between multiple models and viewpoints, etc. OODS is a challenging research context and a source of motivation for semantical models of object-based systems and notations, for the evolution of standardised formal description techniques, for the application and assessment of logic based approaches, for better understanding and information modeling of business requirements, and for the further development and use of Object Oriented methodologies and tools.

The objective of FMOODS is to provide an integrated forum for the presentation of research in several related fields, and the exchange of ideas and experiences in the topics concerned with the formal methods support for Open Object-based Distributed Systems.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Invited Speakers

Conference Organizers

Carolyn Talcott(Chair) Scott Smith(PC Chair)
Tel: + 650 723-0936 Tel: + 410 516-5299
Fax: + 650 725-7411 Fax: + 410 516-6134
Stanford University The Johns Hopkins University
Stanford, CA, USA Balimore, MD, USA
Nalini Venkatasubramanian Sriram Sankar
Tel: + 949 824-5898 Tel: + 510 796-0915
Fax: + 949 824-4056 Fax:+ 510 796-0916
University of California at Irvine Metamata Inc.
Irvine, CA, USA Fremont, CA, USA

Program Committee

Sponsors - IFIP

Evaluation and Publication of Submitted Papers

Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated and selected for presentation in the conference. The proceedings of FMOODS '00 will be published by Kluwer, the publishers of IFIP events. The proceedings will be made available at the conference.

Instructions to the Authors

Authors are invited to submit full original research papers, up to 16 pages (including bibliography), 12 point, single spaced, including an informative abstract, names and affiliations of all authors, and a list of keywords facilitating the assignment of papers to referees.


Paper submissions will be electronic via the web. Papers must be submitted as postscript documents that are interpretable by Ghostscript. Details on the submission process are to be found at The package for electronic submission of papers will be available approximately one month before the submission deadline.