CS323: Common Sense Reasoning in Logic
Fall 2000
Handout #1

General Course Information
Course: CS323: Common Sense Reasoning in Logic
Instructor: Professor John McCarthy
Email: jmc@cs.stanford.edu
Office: Gates 208
Office Hours: Mondays, 2-4pm.
TA: Aarati Parmar
Email: aarati@cs.stanford.edu
Office: Gates 218
Office Hours: TBA
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:15pm to 2:30pm
Where: Gates B12.
Email List: People who come to the first meetings will be added to cs323@cs.stanford.edu. To get on/off this list, email aarati@cs.stanford.edu.
Webpage: http://www-formal.stanford.edu/cs323
Course Work: We expect students to read the material, and participate in class discussions. There is no final exam.
There will be at least two homeworks to help students understand the material. The problem sets may be similar to exercises given in previous years, and we trust that students not copy the published answers, following the Honor Code.
Textbook: Handouts of John's papers will be available in class and from this page. We will also examine the first 200 pages of Murray Shanahan's book, "Solving the Frame Problem."

The book is found at:
Amazon ($55)
VarsityBooks.com ($45.79)
Barnes and Noble ($55)
Borders ($55)
Stanford Bookstore ($45)

Resources: Students registered for the course will receive an additional quota of 10MB disk and 200 sheets of paper!

Questions? Contact: aarati@cs.stanford.edu
Last modified: Wed Sep 27 13:54:08 PDT 2000