We begin with some axioms in a formalism like that of [McC86] using a function, a single abnormality predicate and aspects. This suffers from the Yale shooting problem if we simply minimize . However, as long as the problem requires only projection, i.e. predicting the future from the present without allowing premises about the future, chronological minimization of [Sho88] avoids the Yale shooting problem. It is certainly a limitation on elaboration tolerance to not allow premises about the future.
Here are some axioms and associated issues of elaboration tolerance.
The basic operation of moving some people from one bank to the other is conveniently described without distinguishing between missionaries and cannibals.
The fact that (1) can't be used to infer the result of moving a group if some member of the group is not at is expressed by
We extend the notion of an individual being at a bank to that of a group being at a bank.
denotes the cardinality of the set .
We can sneak in Jesus by replaceing (3) by
It's bad if the cannibals outnumber the missionaries.
Many unique names axioms will be required. We won't list them in this version.