The 50th anniversary next August is bound to get enormous publicity. Much of it will be by people too young to remember the event and using the anniversary to make a point. It is likely to forget the people in the armed forces at the time. It will probably even forget the Japanese of the time except those hit by the atomic bombs. It would be useful to have a large number of reminiscences of the event and people's reactions to it. First hand memories will be best, but second hand memories will be needed too, because so many veterans have died since that time. Japanese memories would also be useful. Here are some questions: 1. What were you doing on August 6, 1945? 2. What did you anticipate for your own immediate future just before August 6? 3. What was your immediate reaction to the bombing? 4. What was your reaction a month later? 5. What is your present opinion? Would the moderators consider allowing such reminiscences on this newsgroup? If there are too many a special group could be established. I think they will have great historical interest and are likely to be lost if not collected.