Up to: Sites


Past meetings:

AAAI 1995 Spring Symposium on Consciousness

Future meetings

Hacker meeting

BISFAI - Haifa

Mexican AI meeting

International Lisp conference 2005

Common sense 2005, Corfu

Stabilization 2006

Potlatch SF meeting

Handbook of Philosophy of Science meeting


draft talks for self-awareness

submissions for self-aware

Conventicle - williams

Artificial life workshop hpa duck

Common sense 03


papers for CS03


kr2002 mccarthy sitcalc

M4M-2 Methods for modalities


Chalmers consciousness site

My seminars in York and Leeds 99-may

York and Leeds

CTI Roundtable

AISB'99 Symposium on AI and Scientific Creativity:

Science Writers workshop

FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods

1998 Belief Revision Workshop

kr98 registration

Ontology meeting, Heidelberg, 98jun

European Princes' Award contest

Executable Temporal logic challenges

Causation meeting, Stanford 98

Causation Symposium

Common Sense Conference SFU

Israel Desalination Conference

International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning

Toward a Science of Consciousness

Costume Party

1997 Fall Symposium on Context

Common Sense 98

QR Workshop, Amsterdam

First QED Workshop

1995 FOCS

Amsterday workshop on qualitative reasoning May 1995

August 96 meeting in Brno re Goedel

Toward a Science of Consciousness, April 8-13

KR 96


Logic Related Conferences

Logic Related Conferences (lics)

AAAI-96 Workshop on Internet-based Information Systems

Universal Library Symposium, March 14-16

Computer Forum -1996

POPL '97, Jan 15-17, Paris



Democratic National Convention 96


Ontology meeting Spring 97

IUCN World Conservation Congress

First World Congress on Paraconsistency

Amphibian decline meeting

Web conference

INFORMS(formerly OR Society) 98

Williams meeting at ijcai

NSF Knowledge Networking Initiative - June 19-20, 1997

CSLI workshop LLC6 97 May

The Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-98)

Common Sense 98

Forum on climate change

Koza Conference on genetic programming