
Up to: Sites

National geographic maps

Math videos from MSRI

Dubious medical statistics

Commentary Archive

Famous trials

Discover the network, catalog of leftist organizations

Planetmath mathematical encyclopedia

Knovel handbooks (limited engineering)

NSA on Venona

Francis Galton works

University Microfiche International (the graveyard of PhD theses)

Diderot Encyclopedia

Social Science Data on the Internet

Bell Curve Data

Brookings Iraq index


1911 Britannica

Earth Trends

Commodities charts and quotes

Philosophy of science archive

Transportation and related statistics

1911 Britannica

Wales' encyclopedia

Catholic Encyclopedia

Wikipedia encyclopedia

Museum of hoaxes

Hachette encyclopedia, in French

Exchange rates and other economic history

Library of Congress catalog

Federal Government Statistics

No GM conspiracy - Cliff Slater

Urban legends

DMOZ database with 16,000 editors

Bruce E. Johansen Native American political systems

Epinions (opinions on products)

Space quotes

countries and two letter codes

DOE country energy statistics

The Virtual Nuclear Tourist Nuclear Power Plants Around the World - by Joseph Gonyeau

CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics

Mathematical mistakes

The Value of Knowledge: a Miniature Library of Philosophy

Study Web

1999 UN population projections

NIST Math Digital Library

NISP Prototype Mathematics Digital Library

Concordances of literature


Directory of Communities

repairnet "Mechanics Bible"

One Click Away

450,000 CS references (now 670,000)

CIA World Factbook

CIA home

Palo Alto Map

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics
Gets us to biographies of Mathematicians.

English-French Dictionary

Dictionnaire Anglais-Francais

ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary Form

English German Dictionary

Texas Water Net

World Bank Social Indicators of Development, 1994

World Bank: Trends in Developing Economies, 1994

NISS, UK academic information

Indiana University Library


UK and Eire URLs


Computer Science Bibliography

Online Intelligence Project (OLIN)

ZIP codes

DOE energy statistics

USGS Report on available oil

Phone Books

WAIS Search Interface

OKRA White Pages Directory

Unit conversion factory

USDA Statistics

National Library of Medicine

Encyclopedia of Links

Omnipaedia Polyglotta, Eng. Span. German, French, Ital. Dutch, Portug.

Statistical Abstract of the United States


Library of Congress

UCB Library

Harvard Library

Yale Library

Princeton Library

U Chicago library

MIT library

New Journals (UCSD list)

Economics FAQ

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Supreme Court decisions

UK libraries


Public Record Searches, Kew, London

index to on-line dictionaries

Northeast Arctic Cod for 1996

U.S. and Canada telephone numbers

Moscow information

Physical constants, space oriented

Merck Manual

Mapngo, AAA map service, via deLorme

Chalmers bibliography on Philosophy of Mind

At Hand, Pac Bell Business white pages

Global Population Distribution Database

At Hand (PTT Yellow pages?)

Software search

Patent Office

Bartlett's quotations

Links to chemistry web sources

On-line Yellow pages

UK Research Projects

Map of HP

Source for electronic citations

UN on fresh water

Chalmers's index of articles about mind

World Climate Data

Stagnation of Family Income

Lousy Productivity Rates

IIASA on population

Dam-Reservoir Impact and Information Archive

Facts about states
