Up to: Sites

Sites with Science


Abrupt climate change - NRC report

Various medical conditions

Atomic archive - bomb history

Baez on Wigner on improbabilty of life

free physics text

Table of isotopes

FAO 2003 on food supplies

Davidson Institute for Profoundly Gifted Young People

Caltech items including Watson lecture

Science of Aging

Tagis Lake meteorite

Stanford site on evolution

Evolution of the Solar System - Alfven and Arrhenius

Properties of materials

Calhoun Vision (maybe 20/10 some day)

Turing test

The Scientist - European life science

ipcc summary for policy makers

The Bioterrorism file


Web site on aging

The Poverty of the Stimulus Argument - Lawrence and Margolis

Science and math links

Ian Pitchford

World Council of Nuclear Workers (French)

MathGate mathematics site

Physics humor

MIT biology text

Virtual nuclear tourist

The Bad Bug Book

IPCC web site

The g factor - by Chris Brand

Medical rumors and hoaxes - CDC

Japanese report on extracting uranium from seawater

Cavalli-Sforza's race map

Antarctic Sun

Exorcising sociobiology - Paul Gross

Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Paul Reiter on malaria

The GMO battle by Richard North

Journal of Machine Learning Research

NYTimes Biotechnology archive

Context Home Page

FAS military

Zalta's Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Eric Weisstein's science encyclopedia

Rice Research - IRRI



Philip Stott pro-biotech

Francis Calton works

Roy Smith page on nuclear energy

Hilo Maglev transportation - Francis Reynolds

Why biotechnology - from industry

NIST Chemistry data

Humanities and Social Sciences Online

CO2 in seawater

E. O. Wilson address to Nat. Assoc. Schol.

hbd roster

Intros to quantum computing

PubMed Central

Popper and after: Four modern irrationalists

Fundamentals of Physical Geography - online text

Galileo archive at Rice

Eugenics Archive - Cold Springs Harbor

Agbioworld pro gmo

Agbioworld pro GMO

Criticism of MIT study

John Daly, opposes global warming theory from Tasmania

Linda Gottfredson-2

The Pioneer Fund

Human Biodiversity Discussion Group members


Avlis laser isotope separation

NISP Prototype Mathematics Digital Library

Junk Science

Tutorial on Quantum Computation

Bacteria in organic food - from Hudson

Water online - water industry news and adverts

Euroclivar workshop on Climate Change Detection and Attribution

LLNL laser separation of isotopes

Oak Ridge report on uranium and thorium in coal

Galton on Hereditary Character and Talent

Galton's 'Statistical Inquiries into the Efficacy of Prayer' appeared in the Fortnightly Review, vol. 12 (1872), 125-35.

Open scientific problems

IPCC III emission scenarios

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

Max Planck Institute (Berlin)

Programming with sets

Internet Pilot to Physics


Chemistry resources

Science Explained - H.S. level

WebElements - periodic table


U. Minnesota Geometry Center

Imbedding Result with Interactive Geometry

Random Numbers

Outsiders guide to AI

Jorn Barger's ideas

Home page related to interests of small farmers

Biotech Information Center of the National Agricultural Library

Government Global Change Site

Whale stocks


NASA Langley formal methods home page.

St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute

U Texas Computational Fluid Dynamics

Theoretical Ecology

Centers for Disease Control

World Health Organization
Ebola reachable from here.


Brazilian Rain Forest

JPL SL9 page

The Sophist by Plato

Environment Canada Pacific A Government information host.

Experimental Mathematics journal

Thousands of problems for theorem provers

On-line Physics Textbook

Econet: Lots of info about the environment

Shuttle missions

European Mathematical Society

collection: IMU - International Mathematical Union

CMU car

Mace model finder William McCune, ANL

Solar powered car

re William James

QED Workshop

SIMATH algebra package for number theory

Allegro low energy X-ray satellite proposal

Linkoping description logic page

Washington Social Studies page

Qualitative Physics

IPCC Report 95

CIC Forum /u/jmc/junk.E95==528

Cognition and Affect, Sloman

Computer Science, Czech Republic

Quantum Computing, UCLA

Quantum Computing, Oxford

Science en fete

Qualitative Reasoning Home Page (Japan)

Qualitative Reasoning Group (Northwestern)

nifty report on rechargeable cells

Report of the QED Workshop II

Complexity in Australia

Volcano-CAM on Mt Ruapehu is now online

USGCRP's 2nd Monday Seminar Series

Dan Sleator's link grammar parser

Astrophysical Journal

Other astrophysical journals

The Great Globe Gallery - geosciences, Polish

sea floor map and data

Sheffield ChemDex

intelligent software agents

DFKI, the German Research Center for AI

SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science

Virtual Ants

Borwein on pi

Kanada on pi

Bell Labs Text to Speech

Atomic Physics, Free Univ. Amsterdam

HYFLEX (Hypersonic Flight Experiment) Project, Japan

Peace and Security WWW Server


Nuke Home Page

Galileo Countdown to Jupiter

Disjunctive Logic Programming

PREST, Policy Research, Manchester

Hubbert style estimates of oil exhaustion

Context in AI and other

Botanical Museum, Finnish Natural History

Galileo Project

Galileo Atmospheric Probe

QED Project (Warsaw workshop)

Global Change Electronic Edition

U Chicago ancient Near East

Computer Science Bibliography

Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility (WRCCRF)

Visualizations in Materials Science (Course)

Chorover's Homework on the Environment

IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers

IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers

Unit conversion factory



Your Health Daily


Centers for Disease Control

National Center for Health Statistics

National Library of Medicine

Orion Project

Electricite de France (research)

Uniscience News Net (science news)

Bell Curve materials

Korean Microrobot Tournament

Ice berg calving (UK)

Remote agents - Kaiserslautern

Hydrogen for heating and cooking

Global Change Research Information Office

American Psychological Association

CERN Technology

Physical Review Letters

Nuclear Physics A and B

Applied Physics Letters

Classical and Quantum Gravity

International Ocean Institute (IOI)

Internet Science Journal

night sky radiation for cooling.

Preserving Digital Information

Bloom group at SLAC



Ames Research Center

Ames science

Ames, Galileo probe

JPL Galileo mission

Monthly Astronomy Digest

sci.anthropology archive

Harvard TechnicalReports

Read College Reactor Facility

Game Theory

Society for Amateur Scientists

Kiosk Web page of papers on climate, etc.

Science Court

Kuzin Laboratory, Russia (radiation hormesis)

Junk Science

Agent News Newsletter

Mechanized Reasoning

Structured Expression System Ka-Ping Yee

EurekAlert science news


Web Elements

Chem Web Sites

Planet Eart

Phys Constants

ARAC - Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability

Forestry - Canada

Groundwater site

Chelyabinsk-70, Russian nuclear weapons lab

Lycaeum - Brain

Model of U.S. economy

Nuggets mailing list

TLA Web page

Phylogenetic trees - Treebase

Water, including desalination

Human-Computer Learning Foundation

Links to chemistry web sources

Dawkins site by John Catalano

Interaction Free Measurements

Natural Energy Laboratory (NELHA) (OTEC)

Economic Statistics, etc.

The g factor

Robert Viennau's economic simulation game

Fusion education

sonoluminescence U. Ill.

UK Research Projects

Helios Daily Science News

Virtual Body, HCA Healthcare

Superset announcements

Page of positive AI reviews

Ulam Quarterly

Visualizations in Materials Science

Entropy FAQ

Chemical data

Context web site

gsfc site on global warming

Hugging Hubble

Facts about minerals (usgs)

U.S. Global Change Research Center