Using the situational fluent in formulating the
conditions under which strategies have given effects has two
advantages over the
of part 2. It permits more compact
and transparent sentences, and it lends itself to the application of
the mathematical theory of computation to prove that certain
strategies achieve certain goals.
However, we must recognize that it is only an approximation to say that an action, other than that which will actually occur, leads to a definite situation. Thus if someone is asked, `How would you feel tonight if you challenged him to a duel tomorrow morning and he accepted?' he might well reply, `I can't imagine the mental state in which I would do it; if the words inexplicably popped out of my mouth as though my voice were under someone else's control that would be one thing; if you gave me a long-lasting belligerence drug that would be another.'
From this we see that should not be regarded
as being defined in the world itself, but only in certain
representations of the world; albeit in representations that may have
a preferred character as discussed in part 2.
We regard this as a blemish on the smoothness of interpretation of the formalism, which may also lead to difficulties in the formal development. Perhaps another device can be found which has the advantages of result without the disadvantages.