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On the Model Theory of Knowledge

J. McCarthy
M. Sato
T. Hayashi
S. Igarashi

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Another language for expressing ``knowing that" is given together with axioms and rules of inference and a Kripke type semantics. The formalism is extended to time-dependent knowledge. Completeness and decidability theorems are given. The problem of the wise men with spots on their foreheads and the problem of the unfaithful wives a are expressed in the formalism and solved.

The authors' present addresses are as follows: John McCarthy, Stanford University; Masahiko Sato, University of Tokyo; Takashi Hayashi, Kyushu University; and Shigeru Igarashi, University of Tsukuba.

This research was supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under ARPA Order No. 2494, Contract MDA9O3.76-C-0206. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of Stanford University, or any agency of the U. S. Government.

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Fri Jun 20 13:39:43 PDT 1997