Ataturk's reforms, Mustafa Kemal
Chronologie generalle sur le "time-sharing",ARPANET et hypertexte
Donald James history files (includes nailing Chomsky)
Exchange rates and other economic history
Israeli article on USS Liberty
Review by Clayton Cramer of Black Masters
Great Engineering Achievements - NAE
Planned communities of gilded age
Historical Firsts in Computing
Association for History and Computing
Historical Document Collection in Netherlands
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics
Gets us to biographies of Mathematicians.
Trinity Atomic Test Site and HEW Archive (U.S.)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police History
The Marcus Garvey and UNIA Papers Project at UCLA
American Indian Section, World History Archives
European military superiority in India
Civil War Letters of Galutia York
Chief Seattle's 1854 oration (native web)
Chief Seattle oration (Arbor Heights School)
Wallace Nutting - American "old life"
Melibea - Revista de Cultura Hispana
Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foote