Web site maps make navigating easy
July 25, 1997
Web posted at: 9:19 p.m. EDT (0119 GMT)
From CNN Interactive Writer Wayne Drash
(CNN) -- Want to pick the best route in or out of a city
without sifting through maps sprawled over the dashboard? The
answer is just a click away.
Internet mapping sites feature detailed maps that can
pinpoint street locations, churn out road conditions and
provide destination routes. Most sites let users zoom in and
out on locales. Extensive search engines for more specific
inquiries are nearby.
For travelers or those who simply want to locate a specific
place, the sites exemplify one of the most useful and
creative applications of the Web.
News junkies can have a field day, too, zoning in on the
topic of the day. Where exactly was suspected serial killer
Andrew Cunanan's body found on Miami Beach? Using DeLorme's
CyberAtlas, the answer comes easy.
The following is a list of sites to help navigate around the
- DeLorme, an atlas company and leader in computer mapping,
provides one of the most extensive U.S. mapping systems on
the Web. International users, however, may be disappointed in
DeLorme's lack of world maps.
DeLorme's CyberRouter lets users plug in a desired to-and-from location, and the
site instantly responds with the distance and approximate
time of the trip.
CyberAtlas, a page dedicated to locating cities and towns, can pinpoint even the
smallest of towns. A colleague was dumbfounded when the site
found Orchard Hill, Georgia, an unincorporated town in his
neck of the woods.
DeLorme also has a special site for maps in the news. A particularly
interesting map locates the area, neighborhood and the
closest street to where TWA Flight 800 crashed off the Long
Island coast last year.
- MapQuest offers driving
directions and suggested routes for travelers, in some cases
providing step-by-step, turn-by-turn detail. The site also
features an international atlas that lets users focus on just
about any place in the world.
Another great feature is the site's free map personalization.
Planning a wedding? With MapQuest's customized
personalization, a user can place an icon where the wedding
is to take place, print out a map and send it to friends and
The site's biggest drawback is that it takes a while for maps
to download. But the wait is well worth it.
- CityNet Maps supplies users with in-depth maps to cities and
regions around the world, whether it be an extensive look at
Greece or a more focused search of Atlanta.
- SmarTraveler targets
users in select U.S. cities who want to find out what roads
to avoid before heading into traffic mayhem. SmarTraveler
provides up-to-the-minute traffic reports and lists congested
routes to avoid in Boston, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and
Washington, D.C.
- Twin Cities Traffic Net wins the prize for the
best localized mapping site, supplying Minneapolis residents
with easy-to-read and regularly updated traffic report maps.
Each road is color-coded according to its level of congestion
or average travel speed. And to the glee of users, it's a
quick download.
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