Up to: Sites
Abrupt climate change - NRC report
Baez on Wigner on improbabilty of life
Davidson Institute for Profoundly Gifted Young People
Caltech items including Watson lecture
Evolution of the Solar System - Alfven and Arrhenius
Calhoun Vision (maybe 20/10 some day)
The Scientist - European life science
ipcc summary for policy makers
The Poverty of the Stimulus Argument - Lawrence and Margolis
World Council of Nuclear Workers (French)
Medical rumors and hoaxes - CDC
Japanese report on extracting uranium from seawater
Exorcising sociobiology - Paul Gross
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics
The GMO battle by Richard North
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Zalta's Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Eric Weisstein's science encyclopedia
Roy Smith page on nuclear energy
Hilo Maglev transportation - Francis Reynolds
Why biotechnology - from industry
Humanities and Social Sciences Online
E. O. Wilson address to Nat. Assoc. Schol.
Popper and after: Four modern irrationalists
Fundamentals of Physical Geography - online text
Eugenics Archive - Cold Springs Harbor
John Daly, opposes global warming theory from Tasmania
Human Biodiversity Discussion Group members
Avlis laser isotope separation
NISP Prototype Mathematics Digital Library
Tutorial on Quantum Computation
Bacteria in organic food - from Hudson
Water online - water industry news and adverts
Euroclivar workshop on Climate Change Detection and Attribution
LLNL laser separation of isotopes
Oak Ridge report on uranium and thorium in coal
Galton on Hereditary Character and Talent
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Science Explained - H.S. level
Imbedding Result with Interactive Geometry
Home page related to interests of small farmers
Biotech Information Center of the National Agricultural Library
NASA Langley formal methods home page.
St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
U Texas Computational Fluid Dynamics
World Health Organization
Ebola reachable from here.
Environment Canada Pacific A Government information host.
Experimental Mathematics journal
Thousands of problems for theorem provers
Econet: Lots of info about the environment
collection: IMU - International Mathematical Union
Mace model finder William McCune, ANL
SIMATH algebra package for number theory
Allegro low energy X-ray satellite proposal
Linkoping description logic page
Washington Social Studies page
CIC Forum /u/jmc/junk.E95==528
Computer Science, Czech Republic
Qualitative Reasoning Home Page (Japan)
Qualitative Reasoning Group (Northwestern)
nifty report on rechargeable cells
Volcano-CAM on Mt Ruapehu is now online
USGCRP's 2nd Monday Seminar Series
Dan Sleator's link grammar parser
The Great Globe Gallery - geosciences, Polish
DFKI, the German Research Center for AI
SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Atomic Physics, Free Univ. Amsterdam
HYFLEX (Hypersonic Flight Experiment) Project, Japan
PREST, Policy Research, Manchester
Hubbert style estimates of oil exhaustion
Botanical Museum, Finnish Natural History
Global Change Electronic Edition
Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility (WRCCRF)
Visualizations in Materials Science (Course)
Chorover's Homework on the Environment
IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers
IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers
National Center for Health Statistics
Electricite de France (research)
Uniscience News Net (science news)
Remote agents - Kaiserslautern
Hydrogen for heating and cooking
Global Change Research Information Office
American Psychological Association
International Ocean Institute (IOI)
night sky radiation for cooling.
Preserving Digital Information
Society for Amateur Scientists
Kiosk Web page of papers on climate, etc.
Kuzin Laboratory, Russia (radiation hormesis)
Structured Expression System Ka-Ping Yee
ARAC - Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
Chelyabinsk-70, Russian nuclear weapons lab
Human-Computer Learning Foundation
Links to chemistry web sources
Natural Energy Laboratory (NELHA) (OTEC)
Robert Viennau's economic simulation game
Visualizations in Materials Science
U.S. Global Change Research Center