The pace of publication going on-line depends partly on both
technological and economic factors. Here are some.
- The arrival of the display that can be read on the beach and
also in the bathtub.
- The development of a radio system that permits downloading
reading material anywhere in the world--indoors or out.
- The development of a standardized system for paying for
reading copyrighted material.
- Since on-line publication is much cheaper than print
publication, many organizations dependent on print publication
will inevitably be reduced in personnel. These people will have
to find jobs elsewhere in the economy. Eventually, this
down-sizing will affect libraries as well as publishers. It is
important that the down-sizing not be blocked by the establishment
of monopolies motivated by the preservation of particular kinds of
However, the present technology and economic situation is already
adequate for a large expansion of on-line publication, and it is
already taking place.