Week 1
Wednesday 5th
From Data Structures to Logic.
Readings: A Framework for Representing Knowledge
Programs with Common Sense
Week 2
Monday 10th
First Order Logic, Syntax, Semantics, Completeness, Undecidability.
Monadic Second order Logic, completeness, decidability.
Higher order logics. Incompleteness.
Readings: KR&R Chapter 2
Wednesday 12th
Resolution Theorem Proving, KR&R, Snark
Readings: Snark Manual
Week 3
Monday 17th
Readings: Hayes, P. J. (1980). The logic of frames. In D. Metzing, Ed.,
Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding. Berlin: deGruyter, pp. 46-61.
A Framework for Representing Knowledge, Minsky
Bernhard Nebel; "Frame-Based Systems"; The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive
Wednesday 19th
KIF and standardized logics
Readings: KIF Manual http://logic.stanford.edu/kif/Hypertext/kif-manual.html
Week 4
Monday 24th
Modal Logics. Knowledge, Belief, Deontic Logic, All I know.
Issues in first order modal logics. Predicates on sentences and
Montagues Paradox
Readings: Mints, Grigori A Short Introduction to Modal Logic.
Kaplan, D. and Montague, R. (1960) `A Paradox Regained',
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1: 79-90
Wednesday 26th
Description Logics
Readings: chapter 9 of KR&R
Alexander Borgida, Ronald J. Brachman, Deborah L. McGuinness, Lori
Alperin Resnick; CLASSIC: A Structural Data Model for Objects; 1989.
Week 5
Monday 31st
Relational Algebra, Databases
Wednesday 2nd February
n-variable fragments.
(un)Decidability and (in)completeness of description logics
and relation algebra.
Week 6
Monday 7th
Inference, proof checkers, automated theorem proving, PVS,
Readings: PVS Manual
Wednesday 9th
Satisfiability. GSAT, Davis Putnam, Linear Logic and Cut.
Week 7
Monday 14th
Readings: R. Fikes; "Ontologies: What Are They, and Where's The Research?";
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning; Cambridge, Massachusetts; November 5-8, 1996.
Tom Gruber; "What Is An Ontology?"; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
Wednesday 16th
Readings: Dan Brickley and R.V. Guha (editors); "Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Schema Specification 1.0".
Mike Dean, Dan Connolly, Frank van Harmelen, James Hendler, Ian Horrocks,
Deborah L. McGuinness, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, and Lynn Andrea Stein
(editors); "Web Ontology Language (OWL) Reference Version 1.0"; W3C Working
Draft; 12 November 2002.
Week 8
Monday 21st
Situation Calculus
Wednesday 23rd
Readings: Allen, event calculus, interval temporal logic
Allen, J.F. and Ferguson, G. Actions and Events in Interval Temporal Logic,
J. Logic and Computation 4, 5, 1994.
P. Hayes; "A Catalog of Temporal Theories"; Tech report UIUC-BI-AI-96-01,
University of Illinois; 1995. Chapters 1-3; chapters 4,5 and appendices.
Planning, STRIPS, Sitcalc,
Week 9
Monday 28th
Minimal Entailment. Lewis, conditionals, Circumscription,
Wednesday 2nd
KLM's preferential entailment, Shoham, Cumulative Default Logic. Closed
World Assumption, Domain Closure.
Week 10
Monday 7th
Belief Revision. Ramsey Test, AGM postulates, Gardenfors Triviality Result.
Wednesday 9th
Intensional Logic, Montague Grammar, Morning and Evening Star, McAllester's
Noun Phrases