- ... Mass.1
- Putting this paper in LATEXpartly
supported by ARPA (ONR) grant N00014-94-1-0775 to Stanford
University where John McCarthy has been since 1962. Copied with
minor notational changes from CACM, April 1960. If you want
the exact typography, look there. Current address, John McCarthy,
Computer Science Department, Stanford, CA 94305, (email:
jmc@cs.stanford.edu), (URL: http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/ )
- ... new2
- reference
- ....''
- I sent a proposal for conditional expressions to a CACM forum on what should be included in Algol 60. Because the
item was short, the editor demoted it to a letter to the editor, for
which CACM subsequently apologized. The notation given here
was rejected for Algol 60, because it had been decided that no new
mathematical notation should be allowed in Algol 60, and everything
new had to be English. The
that Algol 60 adopted was suggested by John Backus.
- ... blanks.4
- 1995 remark: Imbedded blanks could be
allowed within symbols, because lists were then written with commas
between elements.
- ... considerably.5
- 1995: More characters were
made available on SAIL and later on the Lisp machines. Alas, the
world went back to inferior character sets again--though not as far
back as when this paper was written in early 1959.
- ... definitions.6
- 1995: This version isn't quite right. A comparison
of this and other versions of
including what was
actually implemented (and debugged) is given in ``The
Influence of the Designer on the Design'' by Herbert Stoyan
and included in Artificial Intelligence and
Mathematical Theory of Computation: Papers in Honor of
John McCarthy, Vladimir Lifschitz (ed.), Academic Press,
- ... Lists7
1995: These were later called property lists.
- ... reclamation8
- We already called this
process ``garbage collection'', but I guess I chickened out of using
it in the paper--or else the Research Laboratory of Electronics
grammar ladies wouldn't let me.
- ... list9
- 1995: now called a stack