Eyal Amir - Papers and Publications

Journal Papers and Book Chapters

E. Amir and S. McIlraith, Partition-Based Logical Reasoning for First-Order and Propositional Theories, (submitted for publication), 2000.  [new]
E. Amir, Towards a Formalization of Elaboration Tolerance: Adding and Deleting Axioms, book chapter in Frontiers of Belief Revision, M. Williams and H. Rott eds., Kluwer, 2000.
E. Amir, Object-Oriented First-Order Logic, Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (a.k.a. Linkoping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science), vol 3, Section C, pp. 63--84, 1999.
E. Amir, Souslin Absoluteness, Uniformization and Regularity Properties of Projective Sets, book chapter in Contributors, BEST conference proceedings, T. Bartoszynski and M. Scheepers eds., 1996.

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

S. McIlraith and E. Amir, Theorem proving with structured theories, 17th Intl' Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'01), 2001.  [new]
Eyal Amir, Efficient Approximation for Triangulation of Minimum Treewidth, 17th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI '01), 2001.  [new]
E. Amir, (De)Composition of Situation Calculus Theories, Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'2000), 2000.
E. Amir and S. McIlraith, Improving the Efficiency of Reasoning Through Structure-Based Reformulation, Proceedings of the 4th Intl' Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation (SARA'00), B.Y. Choueiry and T. Walsh Eds., Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1864. Springer.
E. Amir and S. McIlraith, Partition-Based Logical Reasoning, 7th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'2000), 2000.
E. Amir and P. Maynard-Reid II, Logic-Based Subsumption Architecture, 16th Intl' Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'99), 1999. See also the project web page.
E. Amir, Pointwise Circumscription Revisited, in Sixth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'98), 1998.

Refereed Workshop Papers

E. Amir and S. McIlraith, Solving Satisfiability using Decomposition and the Most Constrained Subproblem, LICS workshop on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2001), 2001. Proceedings of SAT 2001 appear in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier Science). Also in IJCAI'01 workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning  [new]
S. McIlraith and E. Amir, Theorem Proving with Structured Theories (Preliminary Report), LICS workshop on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2001), 2001. Proceedings of SAT 2001 appear in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier Science). Also appeared in Fifth Symposium on the logical formalization of commonsense reasoning, 2001.  [new]
E. Amir and P. Maynard-Reid II, LiSA: A Robot Driven by Logical Subsumption, Fifth Symposium on the logical formalization of commonsense reasoning, 2001.  [new]
E. Amir and P. Maynard-Reid II, Logic-Based Subsumption Architecture: Empirical Evaluation, AAAI Fall Symposium on Parallel Architectures for Cognition, 2000.
E. Amir, Object-Oriented First-Order Logic, Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC'99), 1999.
E. Amir and P. Maynard-Reid, Logic-Based Subsumption Architecture, AAAI 1998 Fall Symposium on Cognitive Robotics, 1998.
E. Amir, Towards a Formalization of Elaboration Tolerance: Adding and Deleting Axioms, Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation (SARA98), 1998. Also appeared in Seventh International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (Belief Revision track), 1998.
E. Amir, Point-Sensitive Circumscription, Fourth Symposium on the Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, London, England 1998.
E. Amir, Machinery for Elaborating Action -- Preliminary Report, Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change, Nagoya, Japan 1997.
E. Amir, Formalizing Action Using Pointwise Circumscription and Set Theory, Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change, Nagoya, Japan 1997.

Refereed Abstracts and Posters

E. Amir, Elaboration Tolerance of Logical Theories, Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'99), Doctoral Consortium, 1999.
E. Amir, Formalizing Action Using Set Theory and Modified Pointwise Circumscription (Poster), 15th Intl' Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'97), 1997.
E. Amir, Applications of Context to Elaboration Tolerance (Abstract), Working Papers of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Context in Knowledge Representation and Natural Language, 1997.

Papers In Preparation

E. Amir, Reformulation and Syntactic Distance of Logical Knowledge Bases, in preparation.


Small notes on missionaries -- try 4 (postscript) (4/96). The Missionaries and Cannibals Problem is formulated in Situation Calculus. This version includes elaborations.
The Missionaries and Cannibals in Situation Calculus (postscript) (9/97). This version includes natural language elaborations, and a first attempt at classification of these elaborations.
Trying the MCP NMR retail A formalization of the missionaries and cannibals with proofs of correctness:
Version 3 (11/96). This version is quite simple, including very few nonmonotonic stages.
Version 4 (12/96) Includes more nonmonotonic steps than Version 3.
Elaborating Action (also known as "Reified Elaborations") (postscript). - under work.
Nonmonotonic Reasoning as SAT Search (postscript). - under work.

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