Eyal Amir -- Notable Resources

AI Division and AI Reading Group

AI Qual and Reading Group
Summaries for the AI Qual
AI Reading Group Home Page
The former Quail97 study group.
Broad Area Colloquium (CS523 AI-Graphics-Geometry-Vision-Robotics colloquium). I coordinated and co-coordinated the AI-Vision-Robotics colloquium from Spring 1998 to Spring 1999.
Logic at Stanford.

Conferences and Such

IJCAI-01, the coming 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
The NRAC-2001 (Nonmonotonic reasoning about actions) workshop.
KR Logo KR'2002, 8th intl' conference on principles of knowledge representation and reasoning.
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2001
AIPS'2002, Sixth International Conference on AI Planning & Scheduling.
NMR Logo NMR-2002, 9th Intl' workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
CADE LogoIJCAR-2001, International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (joining CADE+FTP+TABLEAUX).
LICS LogoLICS-2001, IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.
Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation (SARA2000)
Commonsense at NYU Logo CommonSense'01, the 5th symposium on the logical formalizations of commonsense reasoning.
Second International Cognitive Robotics Workshop (CogRob'2000)
Context'01 Logo Third International Conference on Modeling and Using Context (Context'01)
Reasoning about action conferences
Various Computer Science conferences
33rd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC'01)

General AI resources and journals

? Bibliographies on Artificial Intelligence (higher branches include all of computer science)
? Citeseer on computer science - research Index and citation cross references.
The Computing Research Repository (CoRR) with mirror sites in the ACM (Assoc. for Computing Machinery) and NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library)
AAAI The American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
KR Logo KR Inc
AIJ AI Journal.
JAIR Journal of AI Research.
ETAI Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence and the discussion page on the recent CommonSense'98.
[Eye] TargetJr - an Image Understanding Environment.
[Eye] XVision - "Cheap" Image Understanding/Tracking and Control package.  [new]

Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Theories of Action

The Reasoning about Action web page.
The DLS Circumscription Form
The SCAN Circumscription Form
The SCAN Circumscription Form
The Smodels program for computing stable model semantics.  [new]
The DLV system reasons with disjunctive datalog with constraints, true negation (à la Gelfond & Lifschitz) and queries.  [new]
The Causal Calculator is a program for reasoning with the theories in the causal language C.  [new]

Eyal Amir
Last modified: Tue Jun 12 15:33:34 PDT 2001