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Blocks World Example

In this section and the next, we show how the ideas outlined above can be applied to formalize and reason about heuristics for moving blocks in order to solve planning problems in the blocks world. The strategies formalized in the paper describe different algorithms for solving planning problems in the elementary blocks world domain [Gupta & Nau1991]. First, we summarize a very elegant and simple formalization of STRIPS in the situation calculus, and its application to reasoning about action in the blocks world, described in [McCarthy1985]. Then, we propose a nested abnormality theory (NAT) [Lifschitz1995] that solves the problem of projecting the strategy described by axioms gif to gif. In section 3, this theory is generalized into a class of NAT's which apply circumscription in a particular way that is useful for studying the projections of declarative formalizations of strategies of the sort described in this paper.

In [McCarthy1985], John McCarthy proposes a very simple formalization of STRIPS [Fikes & Nilsson1971] in the situation calculus. The formalization is as follows. STRIPS is a planning system that uses a database of logical formulas to represent information about a state. Each action has a precondition, an add list, and a delete list. When an action is considered, it is first determined whether its precondition is satisfied. If the precondition is met, then the sentences on the delete list are deleted from the database, and the sentences on the add list are added to it.

There are variables of the following sorts: for situations (s, tex2html_wrap_inline678 , ...), for actions (a, tex2html_wrap_inline682 , ...), and for propositional fluents (p, tex2html_wrap_inline686 , ... )gif. Associated with each situation is a database of propositions, and this gives us the wff DB(p,s) asserting that p is in the database associated with s. The function Result maps a situation s and an action a into the situation that results when action a is performed in situation s.

STRIPS is characterized by three predicates: (1) Prec(a,s) is true provided action a can be performed in situation s; (2) Delete(p,a,s) is true if proposition p is to be deleted when action a is performed in situation s; (3) Add(p,a,s) is true if proposition p is to be added when action a is performed in situation s. STRIPS has the single axiom


In [McCarthy1985], an example of how to use this formalization of STRIPS to reason about action in the blocks world is given. The example is as follows (we have modified the initial conditions, and added a uniqueness of names axiom). The variables x, y and z range over blocks. The constant blocks used in the example are A, B, C, D, E, F, and T (for Table). The one kind of propositional fluent is On(x,y) describing the fact that block x is on block y. The one kind of action is Move(x,y) denoting the act of moving block x on top of block y. We assume uniqueness of names for every function symbol, and every pair of distinct function symbolsgif. The initial situation tex2html_wrap_inline656 is described by axiom gif. The precondition, delete and add lists of Move(x,y) are characterized by axioms gif, gif and gif, respectively.


For example, from axioms gif to gif we can prove thatgif


In order to interpret action selection rules, such as axioms gif to gif, in terms of the theory of action described above, we need to establish a connection between what holds at a situation and what is in the database associated with that situation.

The databases in the formalization of the blocks world presented above contain only propositional fluents of the form On(x,y) for x, y tex2html_wrap_inline712 {A,B,C,D,E,F,T}. These propositional fluents are called frame fluents [McCarthy & Hayes1969] [Lifschitz1990], since any configuration of the blocks A,B,C,D,E, and F can be described by combinations of their valuesgif.


The following axiom states that a frame fluent holds at a particular situation if and only if it is in the database associated with that situation.


The expression tex2html_wrap_inline718 means that tex2html_wrap_inline720 can be reached [Reiter1993] from s by executing a nonempty sequence of actions ( tex2html_wrap_inline724 is an abbreviation for tex2html_wrap_inline726 ) gif. We include domain closure axioms for blocks, actions and situations. Axiom gif restricts the domain of situations to those that can be reached from the initial situation tex2html_wrap_inline656 or from the goal situation tex2html_wrap_inline732 . Finally, we introduce an axiom of induction for situations gif, which allows us to prove that a property holds for all the situations that can be reached from a given situation.


In addition to frame fluents, we use a number of derived fluents, such as clear, final, above, tower-deadlock, terminal, and achieved, which are partiallygif defined in terms of the frame fluents.


Axiom gif describes the configuration of the goal situation tex2html_wrap_inline748 . In general, a problem will be described by a set of conditions on some initial and goal situations. The particular problem described by axioms gif and gif characterizes completely the state of the initial and goal situations, but this needs not be the case. Specifying a set of constrains on initial and goal situations allows defining classes of problems, instead of particular instances. Such constraints can be used then to reason about the behavior of different strategies on a class of problems.


The formulas presented so far allow us to prove that some actions are good, bad or better than others for a given goal and a particular situation. But we aren't still able to decide which situations are selectable according to a particular strategy. Action selection rules do not give us complete information. They don't tell us which actions are ``not good'', ``not bad'', or ``not better'' than others. In order to interpret them in terms of action selection (using axiom gif), we need to be able to jump to the conclusion that an action is ''not good'' or ``not bad'' unless the heuristics known so far (axioms gif to gif) imply that it is so. This incompleteness of our formalization is also one of its main advantages, because it allows us to refine the problem solving strategy of a program by simple additions of better heuristics. We illustrate this idea with an advice taking scenario later on.

The nested abnormality theory described below characterizes the behavior of the strategy described by axioms gif to gif when it is applied to solve the problem described by axioms gif and gif. That is, it allows us to determine what situations (and, therefore, what sequences of actions) can be selected according to the strategy. Let tex2html_wrap_inline750 be the conjunction of the universal closures of the formulas gif to gif.


The expression gif describes a nested abnormality theory in which circumscription is applied in the following way. The predicate Good is circumscribed with respect to the universal closures of the axioms describing the strategy of the program (axioms gif to gif). The predicate Bad is circumscribed with respect to the result of the circumscription described above and the universal closure of axiom gif, which contributes to the definition of Bad with positive instances of Better. We need to let Better vary, because minimizing the extension of Bad may affect (through axiom gif) the extension of Better. The latter circumscription, which characterizes the extensions of the predicates Good and Bad, is conjoined with tex2html_wrap_inline750 , which describes the theory of action assumed for the blocks world (axioms gif to gif), the specific problem reasoned about (axioms gif and gif), and the mechanism for action selection (axiom gif).

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Josefina Sierra
Tue Jul 21 09:54:27 PDT 1998