[I (John McCarthy) have put the report on-line as part of my web site on the Sustainability of Progress. The first link tells you who I am, and the second how I see the Waggoner report contributing to the public debate about the sustainability of material progress.]
This report was published in cooperation with the Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York.
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
Printed in the United States of America
Cover design by Lynn Ekblad, Different Angles, Ames, Iowa
Front cover photographs: Native prairie and spring wheat (Triticam aestivum) photographs by Carl Kurtz, St. Anthony, Iowa. Tall prairie blazing-stars (Liatris pycnostachya), rattle-snake masters (Eryngium yaccifolium), black-eyed susans (Rudbeckja hirta), and western yarrow (Achillia millifolium) on the Marietta Sand Prairie, Marshall County, Central Iowa. Butterfly photograph in Loess Hills Wildlife Area, Monona County, Iowa by Tom Rosburg. A prairie skipper, the Hobomok skipper (Poanes hobomok), accents the question, How much land can ten billion people spare for Nature?
Back cover photograph by Brian Vikander, Bozeman, Montana. Djenne, Mali founded in 1250, was the sister in trade to Tombouctou and is said to be the oldest city in West Africa. Market day brings the Bambara peasants, Dioula traders, Dogons, and Peuls together for what is the most colorful market in all Africa.
ISSN 0194-4088
98 97 96 95 94 4 3 2 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
How much land can ten billion people spare for nature?
p. cm. - (Task force report, ISSN 0194-4088 : no. 121)
``February 1994."
Includes bibliographical references.
Agriculture. 2. Land use, Rural. 3. Food supply. 4. Agricultural
productivity. 5. Population. I. Council for Agricultural Science
and Technology. II. Title: How much land can 10 billion people
spare for nature? III. Series: Task force report (Council for
Agricultural Science and Technology) no. 121.
S439.H68 1994
338.1'6-dc20 94-2703
Task Force Report
No. 121 February 1994
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
Paul E. Waggoner, paul.waggoner@po.state.ct.us, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven
Dennis T. Avery, Hudson Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana
Roland C. Clement, formerly an officer of National Audubon Society, North Branford, Connecticut
Vernon W. Ruttan, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
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