Next: About this document
Up: How Much Land Can
Previous: References
- African countries
- agiricultural production in,
- Will farmers try?
- population growth in
- Ten Billion People?
- Agricultural production
- 1990 statiscs on
- Appendix A: Agricultural Production
- 1990 statistics on
- All agricultural production during
- calculating potential
- SunWarmth, and land
- inventory of present
- So what?
- Agricultural productivit
- optimism/pessimism in
- A ceiling on what
- Agricultural productivity
- and dietary changes
- Interpretative Summary | Changing diet
- and transportation technology
- All agricultural production during | Farmers do progress | Surprises
- carbon dioxide in
- Interpretative Summary | Carbon dioxide | Irrigation matters | In the End
- farmers efforts in improving
- Interpretative Summary | Can Smarter Farming Spare
- fertilizer in
- Interpretative Summary | Fertilizer | How much will fallout | Reasons to hope | In the End
- global limitations in
- Do GlobalPhysical Limits
- herbicides in
- How much will fallout
- impact of climate change on
- Climate change
- impact of irrigation in
- Irrigation matters
- impact of new pests on
- New pests
- in Amazonia
- A Scenario for Success
- in developing countries
- Developing countries
- in Europe
- Europe
- in United States
- The United States
- incentives for farmers in
- Interpretative Summary
- optimism/pessimism in
- Seeing through misleading fluctuations
- solar energy in
- Interpretative Summary | SunWarmth, and land | Irrigation matters | In the End
- water in
- Interpretative Summary | Water | How much will fallout | Does Water Cloud the | In the End
- Agricultural productivity, and dietary changes
- In the End
- Agricultural productivity, farmers efforts in improving
- In the End
- Agricultural productivity, in Europe
- In the End
- Agricultural productivity, in United States
- In the End
- Agricultural productivity, incentives for farmers in
- In the End
- Agricultural progress, measuring
- Farmers do progress | Appendix B: Yardstick of
- Agricultural surpluses
- Spare Land for Nature? | The United States
- Agriculture, government support programs in
- The inventory
- Agronomists
- Changing species | Irrigation matters
- AIDS, impact on population growth
- Ten Billion People?
- Amazonia, agricultural productivity in
- A Scenario for Success
- Animal fat, U.S. consumption of
- Changing diet
- Arable farming
- Introduction | How much land does
- expansion of, in developing countries
- Developing countries
- Argentina, agricultural productivity in
- Will farmers try?
- Asia, population growth in
- Ten Billion People?
- Bangladesh
- How much land does | How much land does
- Beef, U.S. consumption
- Changing diet
- Biodiversity
- Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature?
- Bioherbicides
- Have farmers used up
- Biological engineering
- Have farmers used up
- Biomass accumulation
- Water | A ceiling on what
- Biomass production
- Water | Water
- Black Death
- Fewer than ten billion
- Broilers, meat production by
- Grains and oilseeds produced | Smart farmers get more
- Carbon dioxide, in agricultural production
- Interpretative Summary | Carbon dioxide | Irrigation matters | In the End
- Catfish, meat production by
- Grains and oilseeds produced
- Cattle, grain consumption by
- Grains and oilseeds produced | All agricultural production during | All agricultural production during | Wants rather than needs
- Climate change, and agricultural productivity
- Climate change
- Commodities
- Spare Land for Nature?
- projected rates of, in U.S.
- Have farmers used up
- Connecticut, land use in
- How much land does | How much land does
- Consumers, amount of food reaching consumers in 1988-90
- Food reaching consumers from
- Crops
- ceilings on yields
- Have farmers used up
- changes in, and number of people supported
- Changing species
- fluctuations in
- In the End
- surpluses
- Spare Land for Nature? | The United States
- Deforestation
- Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | A Scenario for Success
- Developing countries
- agricultural productivity
- Developing countries
- conversion of land to urban use in
- How much land does
- food reaching consumers in
- Food reaching consumers from
- technology in
- Have farmers used up
- Dietary changes, and agricultural productivity
- Interpretative Summary | Changing diet | In the End
- Diversity, reasons for preserving
- Spare Land for Nature?
- Eggs, U.S. consumption of
- Changing diet | Changing diet
- Energy, daily allowance of
- Food reaching consumers from
- Ethics
- Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature?
- Europe, agricultural productivity in
- Europe
- evapotranspiration
- Water | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
- Fallout, and food per plot
- Interpretative Summary | How much will fallout | How much will fallout | In the End
- Farmers, incentives for improving productivity
- Interpretative Summary | In the End
- Farmers, technology, improving
- Interpretative Summary | Can Smarter Farming Spare | Butin the End, | In the End
- Fertilizer, in agricultural production
- Interpretative Summary | Fertilizer | How much will fallout | Irrigation matters | Irrigation matters | Irrigation matters | In the End
- Fluctuations
- Interpretative Summary | In the End
- Food(s)
- amount reaching consumers in 1988-90
- Food reaching consumers from
- costs of
- How expensive must food
- land required for
- Interpretative Summary
- per plot and fallout
- Interpretative Summary | How much will fallout | In the End
- Genetic engineering
- Breakthroughs
- Global limitations, on agricultural production
- Do GlobalPhysical Limits
- Global warming
- Carbon dioxide | Climate change
- Government support programs, in agriculture
- The inventory
- Grains
- 1991 production of
- Grains and oilseeds produced
- cattle consumption by
- Grains and oilseeds produced | Grains and oilseeds produced | Grains and oilseeds produced | All agricultural production during | All agricultural production during
- Green Revolution
- Irrigation matters | Breakthroughs
- Greenhouse technology
- Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide
- Herbicides, and agricultural productivity
- How much will fallout
- India, sparing land in
- Introduction | Introduction | Reasons to worry
- invisible hand theory
- Will farmers try? | Will farmers try?
- Irish potato famine
- Changing species | Changing species | New pests
- Irrigation
- advanced systems of
- Reasons to hope
- application efficiencies in
- Reasons to hope
- expansion of
- Irrigation matters | Reasons to worry | Reasons to worry
- future view of
- Reasons to hope
- impact of, on agricultural productivity
- Irrigation matters
- improving efficiencies of delivering
- The balance of worry | The balance of worry
- micro systems of
- Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
- profitability
- Irrigation matters
- Jefferson, Thomas, and agricultural yields of land
- Changing species | Changing species | Changing species
- Land use
- classes of
- The inventory
- inventory of
- The inventory
- nonagricultural
- How much land does | How much land does
- Liebig's law
- How much will fallout | How much will fallout | How much will fallout
- Maize, trends in production of
- Have farmers used up | Have farmers used up
- Maximum yields, determining
- SunWarmth, and land
- Milk production
- Smart farmers get more
- Mitscherlich's law
- How much will fallout | How much will fallout
- natural gas production
- Fertilizer
- Nature
- definition of
- Spare Land for Nature?
- valuing as thing of beauty
- Spare Land for Nature?
- Nature, sparing land for
- and fallout
- How much will fallout | In the End
- and farm technology
- Interpretative Summary | Can Smarter Farming Spare | In the End
- and water distribution
- Does Water Cloud the
- global limitations on
- Do GlobalPhysical Limits
- justification of
- Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Some Straws in the | A Scenario for Success
- surprises in
- Surprises
- Netherlands, agricultural production in
- Europe
- Nitrogen fertilizer
- Fertilizer | Fertilizer | Fertilizer | Fertilizer
- Oats, U.S. Consumption of
- Changing diet
- Oilseeds, 1991 production of
- Grains and oilseeds produced
- Pests, impact of, new, on agricultural productivity
- New pests
- Phosphate fertilizer
- Fertilizer
- Photosynthesis
- SunWarmth, and land | Carbon dioxide
- Plant introductions
- Farmers do progress | Farmers do progress
- Population growth
- and agricultural productivity
- Interpretative Summary | Introduction
- and income growth
- Fewer than ten billion
- and urban land use
- How much land does
- impact of AIDS on
- Ten Billion People?
- projected
- Ten Billion People?
- Potash fertilizer
- Fertilizer
- Potatoes
- and Irish famine
- Changing species | Changing species | Changing species | New pests
- U.S. consumption of
- Changing diet | Changing diet | Changing diet
- Poultry, U.S. consumption of
- Changing diet | Changing diet
- Precipitation
- problem of uneven
- Irrigation matters
- water use efficiency of
- Reasons to hope
- Precipitation. See also Irrigation; Water
- Irrigation matters
- Profit, and sparing land for nature
- Spare Land for Nature?
- Protein, daily recommended intake
- Food reaching consumers from
- Religion, in justifying sparing land for nature
- Spare Land for Nature?
- Resource Conservation Act
- The United States
- Rice
- Japanese production of
- Changing species
- U.S. Consumption of
- Changing diet | Changing diet
- Solar energy
- in agricultural productivity
- Interpretative Summary
- Solar energy, in agricultural productivity
- SunWarmth, and land | SunWarmth, and land | SunWarmth, and land | Irrigation matters | In the End
- Sorghum, and water use efficiency
- Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
- South America, agricultural production in
- Will farmers try? | A Scenario for Success
- Southern corn leaf blight
- Seeing through misleading fluctuations | New pests | New pests
- Soybeans, U.S. production of
- Farmers do progress | Smart farmers raise yields | Seeing through misleading fluctuations | Have farmers used up
- Sweeteners, U.S. consumption of
- Changing diet | Changing diet
- Transpiration
- Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
- Transportation technology, and agricultural productivity
- All agricultural production during | Farmers do progress | Surprises
- Tropical forests, destruction of
- Spare Land for Nature? | A Scenario for Success
- United States
- agricultural productivity in
- The United States
- crop surpluses in
- The United States
- food reaching consumers in
- Food reaching consumers from
- impact of drought of 1988 in
- Seeing through misleading fluctuations
- population density in
- How much land does
- productive agricultural land in
- How much land does
- projected improvement rates for"commodities
- Have farmers used up | Have farmers used up
- soybeans production in
- Farmers do progress | Seeing through misleading fluctuations | Have farmers used up
- Urban land uses
- How much land does
- and population growth
- How much land does
- difficulty of defining
- How much land does
- Vegetable fat, U.S. consumption of
- Changing diet | Changing diet
- Vegetarian diets, and agricultural productivity
- Interpretative Summary | A Scenario for Success | In the End
- Wants, in 1050 A.D.
- Wants rather than needs
- Water use efficiency
- Reasons to hope
- and rising yields
- How much will fallout
- Water, in agricultural production
- Interpretative Summary | Water | How much will fallout | Does Water Cloud the | In the End
- Yield calculations
- and climate changes
- Climate change
- Yield calculations, and crop expansion
- The inventory
Yasuko Kitajima
Thu Jun 19 16:20:56 PDT 1997