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African countries
agiricultural production in,
Will farmers try?
population growth in
Ten Billion People?
Agricultural production
1990 statiscs on
Appendix A: Agricultural Production
1990 statistics on
All agricultural production during
calculating potential
SunWarmth, and land
inventory of present
So what?
Agricultural productivit
optimism/pessimism in
A ceiling on what
Agricultural productivity
and dietary changes
Interpretative Summary | Changing diet
and transportation technology
All agricultural production during | Farmers do progress | Surprises
carbon dioxide in
Interpretative Summary | Carbon dioxide | Irrigation matters | In the End
farmers efforts in improving
Interpretative Summary | Can Smarter Farming Spare
fertilizer in
Interpretative Summary | Fertilizer | How much will fallout | Reasons to hope | In the End
global limitations in
Do GlobalPhysical Limits
herbicides in
How much will fallout
impact of climate change on
Climate change
impact of irrigation in
Irrigation matters
impact of new pests on
New pests
in Amazonia
A Scenario for Success
in developing countries
Developing countries
in Europe
in United States
The United States
incentives for farmers in
Interpretative Summary
optimism/pessimism in
Seeing through misleading fluctuations
solar energy in
Interpretative Summary | SunWarmth, and land | Irrigation matters | In the End
water in
Interpretative Summary | Water | How much will fallout | Does Water Cloud the | In the End
Agricultural productivity, and dietary changes
In the End
Agricultural productivity, farmers efforts in improving
In the End
Agricultural productivity, in Europe
In the End
Agricultural productivity, in United States
In the End
Agricultural productivity, incentives for farmers in
In the End
Agricultural progress, measuring
Farmers do progress | Appendix B: Yardstick of
Agricultural surpluses
Spare Land for Nature? | The United States
Agriculture, government support programs in
The inventory
Changing species | Irrigation matters
AIDS, impact on population growth
Ten Billion People?
Amazonia, agricultural productivity in
A Scenario for Success
Animal fat, U.S. consumption of
Changing diet
Arable farming
Introduction | How much land does
expansion of, in developing countries
Developing countries
Argentina, agricultural productivity in
Will farmers try?
Asia, population growth in
Ten Billion People?
How much land does | How much land does
Beef, U.S. consumption
Changing diet
Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature?
Have farmers used up
Biological engineering
Have farmers used up
Biomass accumulation
Water | A ceiling on what
Biomass production
Water | Water
Black Death
Fewer than ten billion
Broilers, meat production by
Grains and oilseeds produced | Smart farmers get more
Carbon dioxide, in agricultural production
Interpretative Summary | Carbon dioxide | Irrigation matters | In the End
Catfish, meat production by
Grains and oilseeds produced
Cattle, grain consumption by
Grains and oilseeds produced | All agricultural production during | All agricultural production during | Wants rather than needs
Climate change, and agricultural productivity
Climate change
Spare Land for Nature?
projected rates of, in U.S.
Have farmers used up
Connecticut, land use in
How much land does | How much land does
Consumers, amount of food reaching consumers in 1988-90
Food reaching consumers from
ceilings on yields
Have farmers used up
changes in, and number of people supported
Changing species
fluctuations in
In the End
Spare Land for Nature? | The United States
Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | A Scenario for Success
Developing countries
agricultural productivity
Developing countries
conversion of land to urban use in
How much land does
food reaching consumers in
Food reaching consumers from
technology in
Have farmers used up
Dietary changes, and agricultural productivity
Interpretative Summary | Changing diet | In the End
Diversity, reasons for preserving
Spare Land for Nature?
Eggs, U.S. consumption of
Changing diet | Changing diet
Energy, daily allowance of
Food reaching consumers from
Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature?
Europe, agricultural productivity in
Water | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
Fallout, and food per plot
Interpretative Summary | How much will fallout | How much will fallout | In the End
Farmers, incentives for improving productivity
Interpretative Summary | In the End
Farmers, technology, improving
Interpretative Summary | Can Smarter Farming Spare | Butin the End, | In the End
Fertilizer, in agricultural production
Interpretative Summary | Fertilizer | How much will fallout | Irrigation matters | Irrigation matters | Irrigation matters | In the End
Interpretative Summary | In the End
amount reaching consumers in 1988-90
Food reaching consumers from
costs of
How expensive must food
land required for
Interpretative Summary
per plot and fallout
Interpretative Summary | How much will fallout | In the End
Genetic engineering
Global limitations, on agricultural production
Do GlobalPhysical Limits
Global warming
Carbon dioxide | Climate change
Government support programs, in agriculture
The inventory
1991 production of
Grains and oilseeds produced
cattle consumption by
Grains and oilseeds produced | Grains and oilseeds produced | Grains and oilseeds produced | All agricultural production during | All agricultural production during
Green Revolution
Irrigation matters | Breakthroughs
Greenhouse technology
Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide | Carbon dioxide
Herbicides, and agricultural productivity
How much will fallout
India, sparing land in
Introduction | Introduction | Reasons to worry
invisible hand theory
Will farmers try? | Will farmers try?
Irish potato famine
Changing species | Changing species | New pests
advanced systems of
Reasons to hope
application efficiencies in
Reasons to hope
expansion of
Irrigation matters | Reasons to worry | Reasons to worry
future view of
Reasons to hope
impact of, on agricultural productivity
Irrigation matters
improving efficiencies of delivering
The balance of worry | The balance of worry
micro systems of
Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
Irrigation matters
Jefferson, Thomas, and agricultural yields of land
Changing species | Changing species | Changing species
Land use
classes of
The inventory
inventory of
The inventory
How much land does | How much land does
Liebig's law
How much will fallout | How much will fallout | How much will fallout
Maize, trends in production of
Have farmers used up | Have farmers used up
Maximum yields, determining
SunWarmth, and land
Milk production
Smart farmers get more
Mitscherlich's law
How much will fallout | How much will fallout
natural gas production
definition of
Spare Land for Nature?
valuing as thing of beauty
Spare Land for Nature?
Nature, sparing land for
and fallout
How much will fallout | In the End
and farm technology
Interpretative Summary | Can Smarter Farming Spare | In the End
and water distribution
Does Water Cloud the
global limitations on
Do GlobalPhysical Limits
justification of
Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Spare Land for Nature? | Some Straws in the | A Scenario for Success
surprises in
Netherlands, agricultural production in
Nitrogen fertilizer
Fertilizer | Fertilizer | Fertilizer | Fertilizer
Oats, U.S. Consumption of
Changing diet
Oilseeds, 1991 production of
Grains and oilseeds produced
Pests, impact of, new, on agricultural productivity
New pests
Phosphate fertilizer
SunWarmth, and land | Carbon dioxide
Plant introductions
Farmers do progress | Farmers do progress
Population growth
and agricultural productivity
Interpretative Summary | Introduction
and income growth
Fewer than ten billion
and urban land use
How much land does
impact of AIDS on
Ten Billion People?
Ten Billion People?
Potash fertilizer
and Irish famine
Changing species | Changing species | Changing species | New pests
U.S. consumption of
Changing diet | Changing diet | Changing diet
Poultry, U.S. consumption of
Changing diet | Changing diet
problem of uneven
Irrigation matters
water use efficiency of
Reasons to hope
Precipitation. See also Irrigation; Water
Irrigation matters
Profit, and sparing land for nature
Spare Land for Nature?
Protein, daily recommended intake
Food reaching consumers from
Religion, in justifying sparing land for nature
Spare Land for Nature?
Resource Conservation Act
The United States
Japanese production of
Changing species
U.S. Consumption of
Changing diet | Changing diet
Solar energy
in agricultural productivity
Interpretative Summary
Solar energy, in agricultural productivity
SunWarmth, and land | SunWarmth, and land | SunWarmth, and land | Irrigation matters | In the End
Sorghum, and water use efficiency
Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
South America, agricultural production in
Will farmers try? | A Scenario for Success
Southern corn leaf blight
Seeing through misleading fluctuations | New pests | New pests
Soybeans, U.S. production of
Farmers do progress | Smart farmers raise yields | Seeing through misleading fluctuations | Have farmers used up
Sweeteners, U.S. consumption of
Changing diet | Changing diet
Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Reasons to hope | Reasons to hope
Transportation technology, and agricultural productivity
All agricultural production during | Farmers do progress | Surprises
Tropical forests, destruction of
Spare Land for Nature? | A Scenario for Success
United States
agricultural productivity in
The United States
crop surpluses in
The United States
food reaching consumers in
Food reaching consumers from
impact of drought of 1988 in
Seeing through misleading fluctuations
population density in
How much land does
productive agricultural land in
How much land does
projected improvement rates for"commodities
Have farmers used up | Have farmers used up
soybeans production in
Farmers do progress | Seeing through misleading fluctuations | Have farmers used up
Urban land uses
How much land does
and population growth
How much land does
difficulty of defining
How much land does
Vegetable fat, U.S. consumption of
Changing diet | Changing diet
Vegetarian diets, and agricultural productivity
Interpretative Summary | A Scenario for Success | In the End
Wants, in 1050 A.D.
Wants rather than needs
Water use efficiency
Reasons to hope
and rising yields
How much will fallout
Water, in agricultural production
Interpretative Summary | Water | How much will fallout | Does Water Cloud the | In the End
Yield calculations
and climate changes
Climate change
Yield calculations, and crop expansion
The inventory

Yasuko Kitajima
Thu Jun 19 16:20:56 PDT 1997