Up to: Sites
Draft with narrative and
concurrent events
/u/jmc/RMAIL.F94==835 some email from Chitta Baral.
A Brief History of Algebra and Computing: An Eclectic Oxonian View
Umberto Eco's Mac vs. Dos Column
Consciousness - by Yehouda Harpaz
Up to: Sites
agricultural specialty products
Ibuki Trading Post, Richard Weyhrauch
Intellectual Property Licensing Agency
Parallel Performance Group (PPG)
Singapore and Singapore companies
Internet Interstate¹s Macintosh Web Page
Découverte d'une grotte ornée paléolithique à Vallon-Pont-d'Arc (Ardèche)
Web Rose
Seems to be a homsexual dating service based in Paris.
Somewhat raunchy Columbia undergraduate on-line illustrated magazine. I
would not be astonished if they had some conflict with Columbia administration.
Page with FBI sketch of bombers
World Series of Poker, Las Vegas
No dogs or philosophers allowed
with pictures of "many gorgeous local ladies
but not viewable
Map Viewer at Xerox PARC
John McCarthy jmc@cs.stanford.edu
Mathematics Information Servers
Gets you to mathematics departments worldwide - also to computer
science departments.
UTM's (U. Tennessee at Martin) Math. Dept
Has info on large primes. Many good references.
SLATEC (Public Domain) Common Mathematical Library
Programs in Fortran.
Ehrlich and Schneider accept Simon challenge
Up to: Sites
Hoover Institution
If it fails email bonnett@hoover.stanford.edu 723-0447.
Council on Agricultural Science and Technology
Harvard University WWW Home Page
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Survey Research Center, Princeton
Center for Talented Youth, Cornell
Natural Resources Institutions
American Wind Energy Association
Free Web Site to non-Profit Organizations
Historical Document Collection in Netherlands
The Data Text Library of Classic Literature
Authors: Cather, Carroll, Melville, Hardy, CIA
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics
Gets us to biographies of Mathematicians.
CMU book URLs - 1400 in 1996 March
Creator of Literary Kicks, the Beat Literature Web Site
Mississippi Review Web Edition
Whatever that may mean.
The Innocent's Tale
Adventures of a dumb TV addict.
Diana Gabaldon
A mystery writer fan club with chapters.
French Language and Literature, Universite d'Orleans
Trinity Atomic Test Site and HEW Archive (U.S.)
Voice of the Shuttle UCSB Humanities page.
AAAI 1995 Spring Symposium on Consciousness
Amsterday workshop on qualitative reasoning May 1995
Australian site concerned with nuclear weapons
Mike Hamilton dmh@aaai.org is webmaster.
ACM - The First Society in Computing
(January 3, 1995)
It is depressing that ACM is so far behind AMS and APS.
American Philosophical Association
National Academy of Sciences
Global Commons press release
Association of Research Libraries
/u/jmc/RMAIL.W95==851 concerns study of copyright policy.
Electronic Messaging Association
Huge Web Eco-organization database
Center for Democracy and Technology, CDT
World Health Organization
Ebola reachable from here.
Computing Research Association (CRA)
National Pork Producers Council
DIRECTORY of individual home pages
Chitta Baral with Gelfond at UTEP
Cindy Mason's IJCAI and Environment
William Connolly
Climate Modeller
The Right Side of the Web
With Limbaugh page
French elections
Jospin now and later Chirac
Information Regarding Israel's Security (IRIS)
HOME TEAM / Home Systems Network
/u/jmc/RMAIL.W95==818 tells about startup file
XEmacs -- Emacs: The Next Generation
News Links
Many publications are referenced from this site.
Nina I subscribed on Sat Jun 10 11:59:24 1995 at $5.40 per year.
This is industry
news, and is accessible from Netscape and the old Mosaic, whereas
Mosaic.new gets a blank page.
Electronic Telegraph
00521505 is my password.
(phone: 800 446-2001)
Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
This AMS journal seems to be done very nicely.
New York Times 8 page Fax edition
This needs the Adobe Acrobat Reader, so I read it from my Macintosh.
JAIR - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Publishes AI Journal
Samizdat publishes on floppies
Media Filter
United Media, including Dilbert
Chicago Tribune
Der Spiegel
Daily News from Finland
"Documents from the far right"
London Mall
D.E.C. Systems Research Center reports
ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary Form
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics
World Bank Social Indicators of Development, 1994
World Bank: Trends in Developing Economies, 1994
Imbedding Result with Interactive Geometry
Home page related to interests of small farmers
Biotech Information Center of the National Agricultural Library
NASA Langley formal methods home page.
St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
U Texas Computational Fluid Dynamics
World Health Organization
Environment Canada Pacific A Government information host.
Experimental Mathematics journal
The Computation and Language E-Print Archive
Community of Science Web Server
Links to:
DATA sources,
PEOPLE's pages,
Computer programs,
Random sites,
Reference Material,
Information Servers,
Stanford Sites,
Useful tools, e.g. biblios
The Computation and Language E-Print Archive
Internet White Pages
House of Representatives legislation
Common Lisp Manual, 2nd Edition, Guy Steele
Netsurfer digest
Center for Specification
and Verification
FAQ on ideology
Progress and Freedom Foundation WWW Homepage
Nuclear article for Encyclopedia
Stanford Computer Industry Project
Bibliographies in BibTeX format
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML, Version 1.0
Search tool
1. 100% of the full text of every page is indexed
2. Boolean and ranked search are supported
3. Updated every night in an effort to track the web as closely
as possible
4. Prefix, word, and phrase search all run at the same (high) speed
5. Hosted by a big-league Internet Service Provicer (UUNET Canada),
so there's lots of bandwidth
6. It's **FREE***
7. Real-time Key-Word-In-Context display of match points, to avoid
following URL's to check up on every match.
8. No preset number of match returns; if you find 845 pages, and have
the patience, the Index will scroll through them all.
Open Text and UUNET are doing this for free to demonstrate that our
search technology and network service facilities are world-class. Enjoy,
and (particularly at the moment, while everything is under development,
Cheers, Tim Bray, Open Text Corporation
Ontario Center for Religious Tolerance
Econet: Lots of info about the environment
University of Maryland CS, Perlis
University of Maryland Computer Science
collection: IMU - International Mathematical Union
Software Technology Symposium, August 1995
Royal Canadian Mounted Police History
Mace model finder William McCune, ANL
Japanese page on nuclear tests
16,000 Shareware and freeware programs
SIMATH algebra package for number theory
On-line literary magazine Texture
Allegro low energy X-ray satellite proposal
Australian: A land fit for heroes
Danny Yee book reviews (230 of them)
Alaska National Wildlife Refuge
Linkoping description logic page
Washington Social Studies page
Social Studies and History home page
August 96 meeting in Brno re Goedel
Principia Cybernetica - Turchin
Mobil Corporation News and Views
Trib.com - The Internet Newspaper
Toward a Science of Consciousness, April 8-13
ENTERTAINMENT: Politically Incorrect Readings
Flight from Science and Reason
Jorn Barger, the robot wisdom pages
Phil Gramm
Phil Gramm
SHALOMail, Israel Embassy in Canada
CIC Forum /u/jmc/junk.E95==528
Paddynet, Irish stuff, Ireland
Computer Science, Czech Republic
Cambridge University Press, orders@cup.org
Shocking facts about ionizing radiation.
Honest Open Logical Debate (HOLD)
Stanford Seminar on People, Computers, and Design (CS547)
Spirit of Aboriginal Enterprises (SAE)
Internet connectivity in India
Resource for Programing IN Java
Books Pasifika, based in Auckland
Jewish Post of New York Online
International Society for Ecological Economics
Qualitative Reasoning Home Page
Qualitative Reasoning Group (Northwestern)
Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy of Freedom
Credit Management Information & Support
nifty report on rechargeable cells
USDA Economic Research Service
The Marcus Garvey and UNIA Papers Project at UCLA
Forensic Science and Law Enforcement Links
Volcano-CAM on Mt Ruapehu is now online
Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the Australian
Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
Hurricane Opal's devastation of the Florida panhandle
Office of Technology Assessment
San Francisco Online Voter Guide
radioactive emissions from coal power
Kaitlyn's Knock Knock Jokes and Riddles!
USGCRP's 2nd Monday Seminar Series
Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
Melanie Kraft's Jane Austen page
Dan Sleator's link grammar parser
President of Finland's WWW pages
International Institute of Forensic Science
Thinking Jewish, Acting Jewish
Frank Mulligan's National Geographic Archive!
Hypermedia applications in BETA/u/jmc/junk.F95==217
paper with Elephant-like ideas by Wayne Citrin
Commercial Demographic, Datamocracy
The Great Globe Gallery - geosciences, Polish
Petit on Simon vs. Ehrlich and Schneider
DFKI, the German Research Center for AI
SICS, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Jen's Eye-Popping Online Art Gallery
American Indian Section, World History Archives
House of Representatives legislation
The Library of Congress's Etext Meta-Index
European military superiority in India
District Court for the District of Columbia
Atomic Physics, Free Univ. Amsterdam
HYFLEX (Hypersonic Flight Experiment) Project, Japan
Rabbi Haim Richman's Homepage - 3rd Temple
Manufactured Housing Global Network
Civil War Letters of Galutia York
Australia and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
UPenn, Engineering and Applied Science
PREST, Policy Research, Manchester
Hubbert style estimates of oil exhaustion
UCS - Union of Concerned Scientists
Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Sustainable Development Policy
Atomic Energy Insights - Rod Adams
Uranium Information Center - Australia
Environmentalists for Nuclear Power (Sweden)
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
EMS Global, accept credit cards
Botanical Museum, Finnish Natural History
Illustration and Cartoon Gallery
Global Change Electronic Edition
Logic Related Conferences (lics)
Summary of Working Group I report, IPCC
Online Intelligence Project (OLIN)
Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility (WRCCRF)
George Orwell vs Ralph Steadman
freeware eBOOK on Polygamy and Monogamy
Visualizations in Materials Science (Course)
Knowledge for survivors of catastrophe - Alexandria
Chorover's Homework on the Environment
Red Earth, White Lies (Vine Deloria)
Alternative Technology Association
Alternative Technology Association
IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers
IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers
Climate (El Nino) Information for Australian Agriculture
IPCC Summaries for policy makers
Oil and Gas Sites on the Internet
National Center for Health Statistics
Sunnyside Computing (includes CPSR)
Chief Seattle's 1854 oration (native web)
Chief Seattle oration (Arbor Heights School)
MIT EPRI site on electric machines for utilities
Maple Syrup Simmering - Canadian literary magazine
Electricite de France (research)
Multi-media Conservative site with an attitude, Quinn in the morning
Omnipaedia Polyglotta, Eng. Span. German, French, Ital. Dutch, Portug.
Survival International (the charity for tribal peoples)
National Station Car Association
Vitalizing Digital Life - Book Review of _Being Digital
Uniscience News Net (science news)
essay by David Siegel on the Future of HTML
Intellectual Property Proposal
Independent Commission on Environmental Education (Marshall)
SIMA (Stanford Integrated Manufacturing Organization)
Remote agents - Kaiserslautern
Hydrogen for heating and cooking
Global Change Research Information Office
Voters Telecommunications Watch
Center for Democracy and Technology'
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Dave Plotnikoff (San Jose Mercury)
American Psychological Association
Tach It Up Auto Performance Bulletin(tm)
International Ocean Institute (IOI)
Reasoning about actions (El Paso)
Reasoning about Actions (London)
As We May Think - Vannevar Bush
night sky radiation for cooling.
Preserving Digital Information
David Pinnegar (environmentalist)
International Comparative Literature Association
Social Justice: New Social Movement Network
AAAI-96 Workshop on Internet-based Information Systems
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Netherlands Defense Research Institute
Heavy metal: a pictorial archive of land warfare (Michael Brunk)
Military vehicle digest (William Perkins)
Tank photo gallery (Brandon Keith)
MADNESS is the brainchild of Jay Sand, a young buck
Benny Dore Paintings and Graphics
Hubnet Boston Restaurant Guide
Statistical Abstract of the United States
ECSTER (European Colloquium for Spatial and Temporal Reasoning)
USGS reassessment of oil reserves
Pennsylvania Sustainable Development Conference
People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Speaking of Computers (much useful info)
Enormous cost for fancy Web sites
First Virtual Credit Card catcher
Comics du Jour - Cafe Angst, Fisher, Ozone Patrol, USS Utopia
Albright page for Apollo and Dionysus
Ehrlich, Schneider bet proposal
Blackstone and Coke - rare legal books
A visit to the Museum of Contraception - Susan McCarthy
Internet Escape online magazine (Macintosh)
Bobby Kennedy trip to Cuban reactor - NRDC
Latex2html Manual from Caltech
Stanford Software application licensing
Sam McClintock letter to the Stanford Daily
Contemporary Word - publishes anything
D-Lib Magazine (Digital Libraries)
Berners-Lee, T. and D. Connolly. Hypertext Markup Language-2.0 (Aug 95)
Excerpt from Franken's anti-Limbaugh book
Smooching in public in Portsmouth
TechExpo (includes Sci Am contents)
Formalized Mathematics - John Harrison
Schneider article in Stanford Daily
Universal Library Symposium, March 14-16
Common Lisp Manual, 2nd Edition, Guy Steele
Progress and Freedom Foundation WWW Homepage
Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library
Politics and the English Language - Orwell
Johnson, Oldmixon, Peraldus, Mary Robinson, Swift, Jane Taylor
Nuclear Control Institute (anti-nuke)
National Association of Scholars
Literature site including Nathaniel Hawthorne
Wusage 4.0 Server Statistics Software
Scientists Question ``Consensus'' on Warming
Bulldozer: wysiwyg html editor for X
Duschka MUGS talk, 1996 March 7
Society for Amateur Scientists
Kiosk Web page of papers on climate, etc.
Wallace Nutting - American "old life"
Christ in the Desert, Benedictine
Costello thesis draft 96-03-22
Afra's CS323 circumscription program
Arthur Robinson, Access to Energy
ECN (Netherlands anti-nuclear)
Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Quantum Computing and Phase Transitions in Combinatorial Search
Rudnicki's Mizar checkerboard proof
Poetry Books and Pamphlets - anti-Austen
Defense Technical Information Center
Web based internet encyclopedia
Using meta-logic to reconcile - Kowalski
Peter Huber, author of Galileo's Revenge
Steve Milloy, Science without Sense
Public Record Searches, Kew, London
Judith Polgar vs. Junior (on DEC Alpha 600)
Cyber-Wall of Honor for Vietnam veterans
Journal of Consciousness Studies
International Atomic Energy Agency
Law and Technology Policy Center (Carey Heckman)
American Express travel booking
Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Institute of Physics (UK) (publishes Physics World)
Kuzin Laboratory, Russia (radiation hormesis)
Stanford Subscription to Electronic Journals
Top Web Stories Daily News Current
Academic Text Service, Stanford
Public Citizen, Critical Mass, Nader
Maoist International Movement (MIM)
Could the Germans have built an atomic bomb? - Jonothan Logan
Lewis Computer Algebra System for Macintosh
Do Computers Need Common Sense? - Ginsberg
Jaycees Page at Hampton Roads Central Library
Survey of Automated Highway Systems
Ron Newman (has dope on scientology)
Grisham book chapter "The Runaway jury"
Internet miscreats (web sites)
N-BASE Nuclear Information Service
U.S. and Canada telephone numbers
How Brains Think by William Calvin
Physical constants, space oriented
National Fraud Information Center
Structured Expression System Ka-Ping Yee
Friends of the Earth Virtual Car
FBIS (Foreign Broadcast Information Service)
Sokal parody, commentary, afterward
The Silent Universe - Mikey Holmes
Alan Sokal (postmodernist parody)
World Resources Institute (gloom about cities)
Schloerer climate change basics
Science and Environmental Policy Project
USIA foreign broadcasts to Pacific
National Association of Scholars newsletter
African Science in the School Curriculum
GetUrL, see saved comp.infosystems.www.announce
International Communist Union - Trotskyist
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Environmental Economics Research Group - Stirling, UK
Towards a New Socialism by W. Paul Cockshott
ANC - South African Communist Party
Spoons Marxism List Archive-Page
Harvard School of Public Health
Synthetic Minds - Aaron Sloman
Center for Defense Information
Ian Saville (theatrical socialist)
Experimental Work in ATP - Alan Bundy
ARAC - Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
Chomsky on Post Modernism/Deconstruction
Roberto Ortiz de Zarate's Datasets
Ameritech (has digital library contract)
Dioxin Fallout - Center for Biology of Natural Systems
Chelyabinsk-70, Russian nuclear weapons lab
Global Link (will have Russian translator) for Windows
Good Wood Alliance (sustainable furniture wood)
Wolfram Research Mathematica 3.0
CADE-13 workshop - Term Schematizations and Their Applications
Amazon bookstore (large and active)
Hydrogen burning Wankel engine
Michael Colitz - patent attorney
Lemelson invention page (M.I.T.)
by David J. Loundy[+]
Government white paper proposing to extend copyright
10 copyright myths - Brad Templeton
Statement from Digital Future Coalition
Templeton's brief intro to copyright
Science and technology are Satan's work
Arthur Keller's map on getting to Gates
Actual Possibilities - Aaron Sloman, KR96
low dose radiation, Marvin Goldman, UC Davis
Formalized Mathematics - John Harrison
Doyle proposals for AAAI Web page
Democratic National Convention 96
Our Planet Last Week by State of The Earth Magazine, Dennis van Paasen
Windows NT Resource Center including consultants
John Patrick, IBM Internet V-P
Chalmers bibliography on Philosophy of Mind
The Conscious Mind - David Chalmers
At Hand, Pac Bell Business white pages
Global Population Distribution Database
On Sets, Types, Fixed Points and Checkerboards - Andrews and Bishop
John M. Switlik, reconciler of religion and science
Up to: Sustainability FAQ
The number of hits on this page since 1996 Sept 8.
Vladimir Shlapentokh (about Russia)
McCarthy to Speak - Oklahoma Daily
New Communist Party of Britain
Human-Computer Learning Foundation
Jones and Bartlett (publisher of Macsyma)
Gigabit Network Technology - Call for Proposals
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Substitutes for rocket launchers
Statistical Applications Consultants
IUCN World Conservation Congress
Joseph Gonyeau - the virtual nuclear tourist
Ohio Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility Development Authority
Ken Hamblin radio show, West Indian black
Ecotopie (in French from Belgium)
ACS publications (American Chemical Society)
Links to chemistry web sources
David Hemmendinger, f96 (491), encyclopedia editor
socialist? Web site, recommended by Bruce Scott
DeKalb Genetics "Seed Showcase" - for farmers
Americans for Medical Progress, anti-PETA
UN press release on slowing population growth
Natural Energy Laboratory (NELHA) (OTEC)
Melibea - Revista de Cultura Hispana
Exhibition Marc Deneyer's photographs - Greenland 1994 & portfolio
China's Great Leap Forward Famine
Web sites that alnev disagrees with
National Cancer Institute on nuclear energy
Context (electronic magazine, J.W. Patty)
Paul Dennis - advocates replicator
Johns Hopkins gifted youth program
Scientific Notes No. 6
By Bruce N. Ames
Jim Blair (with trickle down econ)
First World Congress on Paraconsistency
Robert Viennau's economic simulation game
Leftist views of Indian economy
Nuclear Control Institute (anti)
Global Warming and Climate Change
Puchalsky criticism of my pages
Custom Foot (shoes a la Dertouzos)
Respectable article on faster than light
David Friedman (son of MIlton)
INFORMS(formerly OR Society) 98
Edge Foundation (position papers)
Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foote
Fermat computer algebra system
Fusion Power Report (Larouche?)
cimmyt (corn and wheat improvement)
Japanese study of radiation hormesis
Radiation doses from various sources
Jim Crittenden 7th grade class /u/jmc/RMAIL.W97==532
NASA on mismatch with climate models 97feb5
Source for electronic citations
Dam-Reservoir Impact and Information Archive
Weizmann press release on corn yields
Chalmers's index of articles about mind
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Virtual Seminar (Stanford Sweden)
accusations against Dhiraj Pradhan
Peter Shor on factoring (1997 version)
Near-Earth-Object Survey Working Group Report
Expository article on spectral sequences
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics
Visualizations in Materials Science
Stormhound (liked my sustainability)
Publishing Scientific Journals Online by Tom Abate
Moravec's computer power graph
Seminar on Daly's _Beyond Growth_
Political Writings of GEORGE ORWELL
Sustainable Stewardship: A Minerals Industry Perspective
Classics translations (Saskatchewan)
Ontologies: What Are
They, and Where's The Research?
Energy information administration
Millenium Institute (Gerald Barney)
California Association of Scholars
Washington Post: Atomic Split: Data Recharge Debate on Low-Level
Radiation Risk By Joby Warrick
Intellectual Capital (discussions)
DrudgeReport (many news sources)
Suburbia - is it so bad to be banal, by James Surowiecki
U. Nebraska Agriculture library
Magnetic inertial confinement fusion - Los Alamos and Arzamas-16
NSF Knowledge Networking Initiative - June 19-20, 1997
Atmospheric Science and Public Policy - John W. Zillman
Elliptic Curves and Formal Groups
Digitool (Macintosh Common Lisp, mcl)
DARPA Technological Highlights
Evaluation of Intelligent Systems
Center for the Study of Popular Culture
Rock Tech Program for the Human Environment
Toronto Cognitive Robotics, Reiter Levesque
APS Forum on Physics and Society
The Fourth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-98)
VHEMT (voluntary human extinction)
Gary King, Harvard political scientist with new statistical method
Admissible Scientific Evidence in Court
The Space Around Us, Rizolatti et al, Science 97-7-11
Hydrogen stored on carbon whiskers
Koza Conference on genetic programming
Does the Anthropic Principle indicate that God exists? - Krishna
Sarfatti Commentaries on the Tucson II
Conference on Physics and Consciousness
Challenge Problem Specification
Weathervane from Resources for the Future
Global warming debate - from new scientist
Hoyt says this a reasonable discussion of greenhouse
Smith, May, et. al. Nature, extinctions
Carrying Capacity - Rees (loser)
Commie Web ring (Voice of the Rebel Worker)
U.S. Global Change Research Center
National Direct Internet Yellow Pages
Neovista (data mining /u/jmc/junk.E97==395)
Universal Library access to content
Thomas J. Frey (futurism course)
1997 Fall Symposium on Context
Larry Hinds:collision between our society and Advanced Science
& Technology
talkcity chat room (type sciencechat)
ResComps Acceptable Use Policy
Computer and Network Policy, approved by the President
Correcting anti-environmental myths
ARPI plan representation meeting
PDDL representation of plans (McDermott)
The EPA's Dirty Little Secrets
Carol Browner, Master of Mission Creep
Here's a bit more on that Harvard "secret" data
Biblical predictions from Germany
Cris Fitch - Great Leap Forward
Tesla on wireless transmission
Steinmetz's, "The White Revolution"
Franklin's, "Kite Experiment and Lightning Rods"
Edison, Steinmetz, and Tesla's, "Notes on Electrical Education"
Energy Research Inc. zinc-nickel
World Scientific Internet Bookshop
Statements before Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
Can Engineers Fix Global Warming - Gregory Benford
IPCC summary for policy makers
Climate Change Summary - Robert May
Toward a Science of Consciousness
University of California email policy
FIPA, some European research support org.
Scientist's experience with environmentalists
Science and Environmental Policy Project - S. Fred Singer
NAS Surveyplease try
Jim Blair (has some energy stuff)
EIAJ, Electronic Industries Association of Japan
California Association of Scholars
British public key cryptography
Science Explained - H.S. level
Stanford Information Network (SIN)
Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ETAI)
International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Israel Desalination Conference
Green Solitaire - relevance of science
Annual Outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration
Opera Browser company (Opera Software)
Global Warming Course, R. Pierrehumbert
Paul Krugman, M.I.T. economist
Al James's list of dishonest web sites
Causation meeting, Stanford 98
Executable Temporal logic challenges
Historical Firsts in Computing
European Princes' Award contest
The End of Science Writing - Jon Franklin
National Association of Science Writers
Wilson on Consilience - Back from Chaos
NASD site with grumbles about brokers
Penrose response to Shadows reviews
Alan Allport (has Orwell material)
Library Consortia statement on electronic information
Health hazards of cell phones?
Ontology meeting, Heidelberg, 98jun
Climate change petition project
David Longley's extensional stance
Funding Alert/u/jmc/RMAIL.S98==747
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Trashing the Economy: How Runaway Environmentalism is Wrecking America
Runzheimer International (various cost info, esp. travel)
An Inductive Approach to Ramifications, Denecker et al
oclc permanent url service (purl)
Association of Research Libraries
SPARC -- the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
"The Truth is Redacted" by Bill Adams
The Tangletown Chronicles, by Shadow
Please Check your Allocation Seat Belt - Martin Leibowitz
The Anti-Mac Interface, Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen
Alexa Internet - Brewster Kahle
Microsoft BARC, Bay Area Research Center
Cog project (Brooks, Stein, Dennett)
Infospace (white and yellow pages)
National Coordination Office for Computing, Information, and Communications
Langley on AI successes in scientific discovery
Interview with Minsky about 2001, etc.
CADE-15 - Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction
Bart Nagel, photographer 98.9.17
Simulation, Ramification, and Linear Logic by Graham White
Science and Environmental Policy Project
Albert A. Bartlett
Shades of Green: Earth's Forests
MEDIATION, Markman, Dietrich
Recent polls on nuclear energy
Buchanan AAAI site for the layman
Galton on Hereditary Character and Talent
Oak Ridge report on uranium and thorium in coal
LLNL laser separation of isotopes
Euroclivar workshop
on Climate Change Detection and Attribution
Water online - water industry news and adverts
Bacteria in organic food - from Hudson
Peter Tillers, Professor of Law
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
Organic Materials Review Institute
Mactopia, Microsoft products for Mac
Citation indexes (SSCI,AHCI,SCI)
pdf Stanford dissertations from 1997 (obscure)
Instructions on getting Stanford dissertations
Information Please Almanac,Webster Collegiate, Columbia encylopedia
updating personal Stanford info
Tutorial on Quantum Computation
Newfoundlanders defend seal cull
Susie on the future of housework
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
AISB'99 Symposium on AI and Scientific Creativity:
My seminars in York and Leeds 99-may
Siemens web washer to get rid of ads
NISP Prototype Mathematics Digital Library
1999 UN population projections
Indian stereotypes and traditional Indian
CoRR (Computing Research Repository
The Value of Knowledge:
a Miniature Library of Philosophy
Story understanding - Erik Mueller
Avlis laser isotope separation
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Human Biodiversity Discussion Group members
Andrew Ferguson's review of
> Francis Fukuyama's "The Great Disruption"
The Virtual Nuclear Tourist
Nuclear Power Plants Around the World
- by Joseph Gonyeau
Louis Andrews
Stalking the Wild Taboo
Mathematically correct - Lynn Cheney
countries and two letter codes
African Academy of Sciences - statement on population
Ernie Davis: advice to student axiomatizers
Thomas R. DeGregori (a fellow technological optimist)
Frances Arnold group at Caltech (evolution)
Epinions (opinions on products)
Kenneth Smail (anthro, wants population reduction)
Bruce E. Johansen Native American political systems
DMOZ database with 16,000 editors
Neal Roese's site on counterfactuals
Neal Roese, psychologist interested in counterfactuals
JETAI (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical AI)
John Daly, opposes global warming theory from Tasmania
CORA - computer science research articles
No GM conspiracy - Cliff Slater
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
Eugenics Archive - Cold Springs Harbor
Fundamentals of Physical Geography - online text
Colleges and Universities - worldwide
Popper and after: Four modern irrationalists
E. O. Wilson address to Nat. Assoc. Schol.
Humanities and Social Sciences Online
Planned communities of gilded age
Why biotechnology - from industry
Hilo Maglev transportation - Francis Reynolds
Roy Smith page on nuclear energy
Pete Palmer (Geological Society of America) pessimist
Great Engineering Achievements - NAE
Create Change fights high journal prices
Greenpiece, against Greenpeace
Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository
Review by Clayton Cramer of Black Masters
Eric Weisstein's science encyclopedia
Zalta's Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Journal of Machine Learning Research
The GMO battle by Richard North
Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Exorcising sociobiology - Paul Gross
Japanese report on extracting uranium from seawater
Medical rumors and hoaxes - CDC
Earth trends - world resources institute
Israeli article on USS Liberty
Exchange rates and other economic history
Hachette encyclopedia, in French
Donald James history files (includes nailing Chomsky)
World Council of Nuclear Workers (French)
Pew report on agricultural biotechnology
Republic of Pemberley - Jane Austen
The Gods of the copybook headings
Chronologie generalle sur le "time-sharing",ARPANET et hypertexte
The Poverty of the Stimulus Argument - Lawrence and Margolis
Ataturk's reforms, Mustafa Kemal
Arun Majumdar, Elephant in XML
ZNET - Chomsky plays a prominent role
Institute of Public Affairs - Australia, does NGO watch
Hitchens-Chomsky exchange in Nation
ipcc summary for policy makers
Daniel Pipes, specializes in Muslim violence
Activist Cash (who gives money)
Jerry Pournelle's email dialogs
The Scientist - European life science
American forest created by man - Charles Mann
Patrick Moore defense of Lomborg
Rushton review of Gould's Mismeasure
A generation gap in brain activiy - Science 2002 June 21
Webvision - University of Utah course on the eye
Calhoun Vision (maybe 20/10 some day)
Symbolic Systems /u/jmc/RMAIL.E02==970
Future Imperfect by David Friedman
Gerald Siegal on China economy
Evolution of the Solar System - Alfven and Arrhenius
rumor that Microsoft will invent Lisp
Transportation and related statistics
Photomap of California coastline
Minsky disappointed in AI research
Caltech items including Watson lecture
Davidson Institute for Profoundly Gifted Young People
Palo Alto Police Department, takes reports
The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
John Deutch nuclear power study
Artificial life workshop hpa duck
Baez on Wigner on improbabilty of life
Pemberley - discussions of Jane Austen
Gettysburg address in PowerPoint
Web site for Russell and Norvig
Global Climate and Energy Project gcep
Boston Globe on man who displaced Bakke - 97 Aug
draft talks for self-awareness
Evolution of Ashkenazi intelligence - Harpending
Philosophical logic newsletter
Exhaustive interpretations, etc. by students of van Benthem
Abrupt climate change - NRC report
Classic papers from the history of chemistry
Logical Methods in Computer Science - online journal, 2004
Is chronic radiation an effective prophylaxis against cancer
Social Science Data on the Internet
eMachineShop.com you design, it makes
Science Fiction Writers Association Bulletin
MIT 1962 Chess Program, Kotok 2004
Handbook of Philosophy of Science meeting
Association for Symbolic Logic
University Microfiche International (the graveyard of PhD theses)
The Venona Story - Robert Benson
International Lisp conference 2005
Knovel handbooks (limited engineering)
Planetmath mathematical encyclopedia
Discover the network, catalog of leftist organizations
Common sense problems (Ernie Davis and Leora Morgenstern)
Murray on IQ differences, M-F and W-B
fWHO 2005 press release on Chernobyl
Logical Methods in Computer Science
David MacKay, natural philosopher
Manifesto Club: user: manifesto, password: empty
Their listserv address is listserv@iris.rfmh.org, and one
subscribes to the Penrose discussion with the message
subscribe psyche-d
Leftist sources. /u/jmc/News/alt.activism.d==217
See /u/jmc/News/alt.activism.d==218 . Flap about an ACTIVIST! comic book.
From here one can get to the tribune company which is reissuing
Terry and the Pirates and also to a description of their
syndicated products and to the Compton's Encyclopedia home
Has English Translations of some stories.
Mostly in English.
Has columnist competition. Randoms
Up to: Sites Reference
Up to: Sites
Gets us to biographies of Mathematicians. Sites with Science
U. Minnesota Geometry Center
Ebola reachable from here. INFORMATION SERVERS
Yahoo points to many sites References to www sites
Here is where I will keep references. It is essentially a
fancy hot list with comments.
Found Rabin both at Harvard and at Hebrew University.
Found out about TCD Prolog for Mac here.
Not yet good enough to put in the public area.
The file is /u/ftp/jmc/CS323/index.html
The file is /u/ftp/jmc/STS160/index.html
Gingrich's course is to be found here. Stanford sites
Stanford itself
Has email address of people in this area.
The Open Text Web Index, while still under heavy construction, is
now available for general use. This Web search engine has currently
indexed about half a million pages (http, gopher, ftp), and intends,
in the near future, to index over 2 million pages and over 1
billion words of text. The following features of the Web Index
distinguish it from the many other other web searchers (see
http://cuiwww.unige.ch/meta-index.html for a good summary):
Software search