A First-Order Theory of Stanislavskian Scene Analysis,
Proceedings, AAAI-2008, 2008.
Object-level proof
RIF Test Cases,
(by Stella Mitchell, Leora Morgenstern, and Adrian Paschke),
W3C Working Draft 18 December 2008,
Knowledge Representation and Classical Logic
(by Vladimir Lifschitz, Leora Morgenstern, and David Plaisted),
in Frank van Harmelen, Vladimir Lifschitz, and Bruce Porter (eds.): Handbook of Knowledge Representation, Elsevier, 2007.
On John McCarthy's 80th Birthday, in Honor of his Contributions
(by Patrick J. Hayes and Leora Morgenstern),
AI Magazine December, 2007.
Knowledge representation and commonsense reasoning: Reviews of four books,
Artificial Intelligence 170(18), 1239-1250, 2006.
A First-Order Axiomatization of the Surprise Birthday Present Problem:
Preliminary Report,
Proceedings, Commonsense-05, Seventh International Symposium on Logical
Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, 2005. Available as Dresden Technical University Technical Report ISSN 1430-211X.
A First-Order Theory of Communication and Multi-Agent Plans
(by Ernest Davis and Leora Morgenstern),
Journal of Logic and Computation, 15(5), 701-749, 2005.
SNAP: An Action-Based Ontology for E-commerce Reasoning
(by Leora Morgenstern and Doug Riecken),
Proceedings, Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, Verona, Italy, 2005.
Progress in Formal Commonsense Reasoning
(by Ernest Davis and Leora Morgenstern),
Artificial Intelligence, 153(1-2), 1-12, 2004.
An Architecture of Diversity for Commonsense Reasoning"
(by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Aaron Sloman, Leiguang Gong, Tessa Lau, Leora Morgenstern,
Erik T. Mueller, Doug Riecken, Moninder Singh, and Pushpindar Singh),
IBM systems Journal, 41(3), 2002.
Mid-Sized Axiomatizations of Commonsense Problems: A Case
Study in Egg Cracking,
Studia Logica, vol. 67, 2001. .ps
Teaching Knowledge Representation: Challenges and Solutions
(by Leora Morgenstern and
Rich Thomason),
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, April, 2000.
AI at IBM Research
(by Chidanand Apte, Leora Morgenstern, and Se June Hong),
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(6):51--57, 2000.
Nonmonotonic Logics,
MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 1999.
.ps .pdf
Practical Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Applying Nonmonotonic Techniques to Problems in Industry,"
Proceedings, Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 5th International Conference,
LPNMR'99, LNCS 18730, El Paso, TX 1999.
Inheritance Comes of Age: Applying Nonmonotonic
Techniques to Problems in Industry,
Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 103,1-34, 1998
.ps .pdf
An Expert System Using Nonmonotonic Techniques
for Benefits Inquiry in the Insurance Industry
(by Leora Morgenstern and Moninder Singh), Proceedings, Fifteenth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan
Kaufmann, 1997.
.ps .pdf
Specifying and Reasoning about Business Rules in a Semantic Network,"
in Haim Kilov and William Harvey (eds.):
Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications, 177--192, Kluwer, 1996.
Inheriting Well-formed Formulae in a Formula-Augmented
Semantic Network,
Proceedings, Fifth International
Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Morgan Kaufmann, 1996,
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New Problems for Inheritance Theories,
Working papers, Third Symposium on Logical Formalization of Commonsense Reasoning
The Problem with Solutions to the Frame Problem,
in K. Ford and Z. Pylyshyn (eds): The Robot's Dilemma Revisited,
Ablex, 1996
Natural Language Understanding with a Grammar of Constructions
(by Wlodek Zadrozny, Marcin Szummer, Stanislaw Jarecki, David E. Johnson, and Leora Morgenstern),
15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 1994, Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
Motivated Action Theory
(by Lynn Stein and Leora Morgenstern), Artificial Intelligence,71,1-42,1994
.ps .pdf
A Proper Ontology for Reasoning about Knowledge
and Planning, Working Papers, TIME-94.
.ps .pdf
Epistemic Logics for Multiple Agent Nonmonotonic
Reasoning I (by Leora Morgenstern and Ramiro Guerreiro),
Working Papers, Second Symposium on Logical Formalizations of
Commonsense Reasoning, 1993
.ps .pdf
Applications of Logicist Knowledge Representation to
Enterprise Modelling (by Benjamin Grosof and Leora Morgenstern),
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Enterprise
Modelling Technology, MIT Press, 1992
.ps .pdf
Knowledge and the Frame Problem,
International Journal of Expert Systems, 3(4), 1991.
Also in K. Ford and P. Hayes (eds): Human and Machine Cognition:
The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence, JAI Press
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A Formal Theory of Multiple Agent Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
Proceedings of the Eight National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-1990,
A Logic for a Non-monotonic Theory of Planning
Working Notes, AAAI Spring Symposium on Planning in Uncertain, Unpredictable, or
Changing Environments, Stanford, CA, 1990.
The Role of Perception in a Theory of Communication,
in Paul S. Schenker, ed.
Sensor Fusion II: Human and Machine Strategies,,
Proceedings of the SPIE 1198 Conference, 1989.
Knowledge Preconditions for Message Passing
(with Kathryn E. Sanders),
Working Notes, IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge, Perception, and Planning,
Detroit, MI,1989.
Proceedings of the DARPA Knowledge-Based Planning Workshop,
Austin, TX 1988.
Foundations of a Logic of Knowledge, Action, and Communication,
Ph.D. thesis,
New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 1988.
Why Things Go Wrong: A Formal Theory of Causal Reasoning
(by Leora Morgenstern and Lynn Andrea Stein),
Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-1988,
518-523, 1988. Reprinted in James Allen, James Hendler, and Austin Tate (eds.): Readings
in Planning, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.
Knowledge Preconditions for Actions and Plans,
Proceedings of the Tenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
IJCAI-1987, 867-874, Morgan Kaufmann, 1987. Reprinted in Alan Bond and Les Gasser
(eds.), Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.
A First-Order Theory of Planning, Knowledge, and Action,
Proceedings, Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge, TARK-1,
99-114, Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.
Abbreviated version of paper (conference version), in .pdf.
Longer version of the paper, in .pdf.
The longer version
contains the complete set of domain axioms for this problem.
(A shorter version can be found in a conference paper based on an invited talk at
IJCAI 97: Proceedings, Fifteenth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan
Kaufmann, 1997
.ps .pdf)
.ps .pdf Click here for the figures.
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